All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Now you can select Wi-Fi mode.
- Some fixes (features) were not included in previous release
- NTPClient wastes CPU time when device is in AP mode. (probably tries to force update time)
- Relay Module configuration in Settings Page (You need to make sure how the relay module reacts when device is restarting or on power-on, make changes accordingly). I may try to make it more universal, but for now it's up to you.
- Relay Test Button
- Ability to Add known PICC to User List (useful to add new PICC to device when device is already deployed)
- Maintaining RST pin for MFRC522 hardware is removed. MFRC522 library now supports for soft-reset, we do not need hardware reset anymore this frees a GPIO from MCU. (suggested by @farthinder #6 esprfid#6)
- User List table now automaticly sorted by Name
- Click on an any element on User List to edit via Add / Update User
- User List actions are instantly happens on the ESP hardware.
- Javascript functions (As suggested from JSHint and Codacy)
- Run a test where 100 seperate User can be handled (see
- Simple Firmware Update from settings page
- SPIFFS Update from settings page
- Now you can define a user name (or any label) for each PICC
- Now each PICC can be individually configured for access (before this, every known PICC had an access)
- Logging In Authorization is now done via Async XMR Request. Browsers does not complain about it being synchronous anymore. (Tested with Chrome and Firefox)
- Inform web user while pages are loading
- Configuration rutine
- Seperate settings page and Users specific page
- Appending ChipID to hostmane
- RFID Hardware Pin and Gain settings via Web
- New WebSocket commands and better command scheme
- can not fallback to AP Mode if configuration file is missing/corrupt
- Seperate Javascript file
- Refactor settings page
- Refactor Fall Back to AP Mode behaviour
- Rafactor configuration file structure
- Web page files now have support for mobile devices and as well as PCs
- Jumbotron CSS
- 'Settings' Menu - (and some snippets)
- Wi-Fi Client Settings can now be configured via Web
- STA - AP Mode behaviour is improved
- Minor changes
- Initial public upload
- Code is now heavily commented