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vSphere Spirent AION Platform Terraform

Image of Spirent AION


Run Spirent AION platform instances. After Terraform apply finishes you will be able to point your browser at the variable ips addresses.

If you would like to configure the Spirent AION platform in a web browser set the variable enable_provisioner=false. When enable_provisioner=true the instance will be configured. However, license entitlement and product installation will need to be completed in your web browser (see below). Login to the platform instance https://<your_ip> using the values of admin_email and admin_password.

Add License Entitlements

  1. From Settings navigate to License Manager, Entitlements
  2. Click Install Entitlements
  3. Use one of the following methods to add entitlements (#1 is prefered)
    1. Login to <your_org> and select entitlements to host in the new instance
      Note: Hosted entitlements should be released before destroying the instance. When entitlements are not released you will need to contact Spirent support to release them for you.
    2. Install a license entitlement file obtained from Spirent support

Add Products

  1. From Settings navigate to Settings, Add New Products
  2. Click Install New Products
  3. Select products and versions and click Install


Prior to running Terraform the following must be completed:

  1. Install govc
  2. Install genisoimage
  3. Download AION image
  4. Create AION image vSphere Template

Install govc

govc is a vSphere command line interface (CLI). Follow installation instructions here.

Set govc environmental variables specific to your vSphere: GOVC_URL, GOVC_INSECURE, GOVC_USERNAME, GOVC_PASSWORD

Verify vSphere list inventory works:

govc ls -l "*"

Install genisoimage

genisoimage is a tool to create ISO images. This terraform module uses genisomage to pass NoCloud cloud-init configuration to the instances. Install genisoimage using your package manager.


apt-get install genisoimage

Red Hat/CentOS:

yum install genisoimage

Download AION image

The AION platform OVA image can be downloaded from in the AION Downloads of http::<your_organization>/

Create AION image vSphere Template

Create vSphere AION template using the following commands:

./ <vsphere_network> > aion-spec.json
govc import.ova -ds=<datastore> -options=aion-spec.json -name=aion_template <aion-platform-image-xxxx.ova>


Name Version
vsphere 1.24.3


Name Version
local n/a
null n/a
random n/a
template n/a
vsphere 1.24.3


No Modules.




Name Description Type Default Required
admin_email Cluster admin user email. Use this to login to instance web page. Default is obtained from AION user information. string "" no
admin_first_name Cluster admin user first name. Default is obtained from AION user information. string "" no
admin_last_name Cluster admin user last name. Default is obtained from AION user information. string "" no
admin_password Cluster admin user password. Use this to login to to the instance web page. string n/a yes
aion_password AION user password for aion_url string n/a yes
aion_url AION URL. An example URL would be string n/a yes
aion_user AION user registered on aion_url string n/a yes
cluster_names Instance cluster names. List length must equal instance_count. list(string) [] no
datacenter vSphere datacenter name string n/a yes
datastore vSphere datastore name string n/a yes
dest_datastore_folder Destination datastore folder for cloud-init ISO images string n/a yes
dest_dir Destination directory on the instance where provisioning files will be copied string "~" no
enable_provisioner Enable provisioning. When enabled instances will be initialized with the specified variables. bool true no
http_enabled Allow HTTP access as well as HTTPS. Normally this is not recommended. bool false no
instance_count Number of AION instances to create number 1 no
instance_name Name assigned to the instance. An instance number will be appended to the name. string "AION" no
ip_gateway IPv4 gateway string n/a yes
ip_netmask IPv4 netmask string n/a yes
ips Static IPv4 address list list(string) n/a yes
local_admin_password Cluster local admin password for instance SSH access. Will use admin_password if not specified. string "" no
macs MAC address list. Automatically set if not specified. list(string) [] no
memory Size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB number "2048" no
metrics_opt_out Opt-out of Spirent metrics data collection bool false no
mgmt_plane_network_id Management network ID string n/a yes
node_names Instance cluster node names. List length must equal instance_count. list(string) [] no
node_storage_provider Cluster node storage provider string "local" no
node_storage_remote_uri Cluster node storage URI. Leave blank for default when provider is local string "" no
num_cpus Number of virtual processor cores assigned to an instance number "2" no
private_key_file SSH private key file string n/a yes
public_key_file SSH public key file string n/a yes
resource_pool_id vSphere resource pool ID string n/a yes
template_name Name of the template created from the OVA string n/a yes


Name Description
instance_uuids List of UUIDs assigned to the instances.