This is a package to create blocks easily with Carbon Fields in every Sage Wordpress website.
Create a package using the console:
wp acorn make:block MyCustonBlock
It will return:
Block [app/Fields/Blocks/MyCustomBlock.php] was created successfully
View [resources/views/blocks/my-custom-block.blade.php] was created successfully
Now just navigate to the Class/view to edit as you wish. Use the Carbon Fields official documentation to learn more how to create fields in your component.
To load the block in your sage template, use in any php
file (like setup.php
, fitlers.php
, or create one - like I do in my templates) and register the block:
use App\Fields\Blocks\MyCustomBlock;
Here's how edit your new block class:
namespace App\Fields\Blocks;
use Rmarsigli\SageCarbonFields\Traits\HasBlock;
use Carbon_Fields\Field;
class MyCustomBlock {
use HasBlock;
public function name(): string
return 'MyCustomBlock'; // Name your Block to find it in the WordPress editor
public function fields(): array
return [
Field::make('text', 'rwp_name', __('Name', 'sage')), // Use the Carbon Fields here, check their docs
public function category(): array|string
return ['rafha-wp', 'Rafha WP', 'wordpress']; // Slug, Name and dash-icon of the block, you can only use string to use default variables
public function view(): string
return ''; // Name of the view inside views folder
public function innerBlocks(): bool
return false; // Set to true to enable inner blocks inside this block