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Domain Debug Settings

Ryan Guy edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 10 revisions

This page documents the domain settings for the 'FLIP Fluid Display Settings' panel.


The Enable Fluid Particle Debugging, Enable Force Field Debugging, and Enable Obstacle Debugging parameters in this panel must be set before baking for changes in the simulation to take effect.

Grid Display Settings

Visualize the domain grids using this helpful tool.

Display Grid Enable to visualize the domain simulation or meshgrid.
Grid Display Mode The type of grid to display in the viewport.
Simulation Grid
    Display the domain simulation grid.
Final Mesh Grid
    Display the final quality domain mesh grid.
Preview Mesh Grid
    Display the preview quality domain mesh grid.
Draw Scale The number of grid cells that a single viewport grid cell represents. For example, if set to 1, the viewport will display a 1:1 mapping of grid cells. If set to 2, each viewport grid cell will represent a 2x2x2 block of grid cells. If set to 3, each viewport grid cell will represent s 3x3x3 block of grid cells.
Enable Grids Select which of the X/Y/Z grids are displayed in the viewport.
Grid Colors Display colors of the X/Y/Z grids.
Grid Offsets The axis draw offsets of each X/Y/Z grid.
Snap Offsets to Grid If enabled, each of the X/Y/Z grids will be drawn so that they are aligned to the domain grid cell locations.
Display Bounds Display the true bounds of the domain. The outside of the domain object is coated with a thin solid layer. The thickness of this layer depends on the domain resolution. Enabling this option will visualize the actual bounds of the domain fluid region.
TIP: This visualization is useful for setting an object as a ground/floor for rendering.

Fluid Particle Display Settings

This tool helps visualize the underlying fluid particles of the simulation.

TIP: If enabling fluid particle debugging, the fluid surface will block your view of the fluid particles. Hide the fluid surface object, or set the object draw type to wireframe to get a better view of the particles.

Enable Fluid Particle Debugging Enable simulator to export fluid particle data and to visualize and debug problems with fluid particles. This setting must be enabled before baking a fluid simulation.
Low Color Speed The low speed value used for visualizing fluid particle velocities. Speed units are in m/s.
High Color Speed The high speed value used for visualizing fluid particle velocities. Speed units are in m/s.
Low Speed Color The colour to be used for visualizing low speed fluid particles.
High Speed Color The colour to be used for visualizing high speed fluid particles.
Gradient Mode The type of gradient to use for visualizing fluid particle velocities.
No Gradient
    Do not interpolate between colours. Fluid particles with speed less than the
    High Color Speed value will be drawn with the Low Speed Color. Fluid particles
    with speed greater than or equal to the Low Color Speed value will be drawn
    with the High Speed Color.
RGB Gradient
    Interpolate between colours in the RGB colourspace.
HSV Gradient
    Interpolate between colours in the HSV colourspace.
Particle Size Draw size of the fluid particles.
Draw Bounds If an object is set for this parameter, only draw fluid particles that are inside of the object's axis-aligned bounding box.

Force Field Display Settings

This tool helps visualize the the vector field of Force Field Objects.

Enable Force Field Debugging Enable simulator to export vector field data and to visualize and debug problems with force fields. This setting must be enabled before baking a fluid simulation.
Low Color Force The low force strength value used for visualizing vector field forces. Force strength units are in m/s^2 (a value of 9.8 m/s^2 is roughly equivilant to the strength of gravity).
High Color Force The high force strength value used for visualizing vector field forces. Force strength units are in m/s^2 (a value of 9.8 m/s^2 is roughly equivilant to the strength of gravity).
Low Force Color The colour to be used for visualizing low force strength vector field forces.
High Force Color The colour to be used for visualizing high force strength vector field forces.
Gradient Mode The type of gradient to use for visualizing vector field forces.
No Gradient
    Do not interpolate between force strengths. Forces with strength less than the
    High Color Force value will be drawn with the Low Force Color. Forces
    with strength greater than or equal to the Low Color Force value will be drawn
    with the High Force Color.
RGB Gradient
    Interpolate between colours in the RGB colourspace.
HSV Gradient
    Interpolate between colours in the HSV colourspace.
Display Amount The percentage of vector field data to display in the viewport.
Line Size Line thickness for vector field visualization.

Misc. Debug Settings

Enable Obstacle Debugging Enable simulator to export obstacle data and to visualize and debug problems with obstacle. This setting must be enabled before baking a fluid simulation.
TIP: If enabling obstacle debugging, the obstacle objects will block the view of the obstacle visualization. Hide the obstacle objects to get a better view of the debug visualization.
See the first tip in our 10 Tips to Improve Your FLIP Fluids Workflow article/video for how to effectively use this feature to debug issues with obstacles.
Display Console Output Display simulation info and progress in the Blender system console.
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