This tool came as an idea when working in the English language when being native Dutch. At some point you want to bring across a message using a proverb. But to avoid speaking Dunglish, you want to use the right proverb in English, but how do you find it?
The name of the tool is short, but not too short (e.g. Dung is not nice). There is Dungli which is a crop. That is nice, but then with a 'y' at the end.
End result will be that you can install this tool globally npm i -g dungly
(at time of writing, dungly doesn't exist) and then when you type dungly pijpenstelen
you will get It is raining cats and dogs
. When typing dungly
you will get the usage dungly argument
node .
- will just fire up the toolnpm install -g .
- install globallynpm uninstall -g dungly
- uninstall globally
- update
, runnpm run init
Make sure the full csv file is lowercase (VSC/mac: command-shift-P, transform to lowercase)
- Could add more languages, therefore the nl and en need to switch places and e.g. Polish can be added. There could be a new 'command' added to check a different column or just a setting to flip Dutch for another language.