My notes, presentations and testing scripts about the Peregrine cluster.
- Running (independent) jobs on the Peregrine computer cluster PDF ODP
- Running jobs with dependencies on the Peregrine computer cluster PDF ODP
module load git; git pull
Must be run on local LWP computer:
scp [email protected]:/home/p230198/GitHubs/Cer2016/*.RDa ~/Peregrine
On your home/local computer, do:
echo "alias p='ssh [email protected]'" >> ~/.bashrc
Now just type p
to log in to Peregrine
On the Peregrine computer cluster, do:
echo "alias q='squeue -u $USER'" >> ~/.bash_profile
Do not use .bashrc
, as this will disable using scp
Now just type q
to view your jobs in the queue.
echo "cowsay -f stegosaurus 'Welcome master'" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "module load cowsay; cowsay -f moose 'Welcome to Bianca, NSPHS'" >> ~/.bash_profile
Do not use .bashrc
, as this will disable using scp
scontrol top <jobid>
sshare | egrep "p230198" | rev | cut -d " " -f 2
sshare -a
Or, to add the commands love_me
and love_all
to your profile:
echo "alias love_me='sshare | egrep "p230198" | rev | cut -d " " -f 2'" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "alias love_all='sshare -a'" >> ~/.bash_profile
squeue -u $USER -o "%.8i %.6P %.28j %.8u %.2t %.10M %.6D %R"
finger p123456
lfs quota -h /home
cd ~/.cache
find . -type f -mtime +7 -execdir rm -- '{}' \;
cd ~/.cache
find . -type d -empty -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} /bin/rmdir "{}"