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Revar Desmera edited this page Nov 12, 2018 · 13 revisions

Generic Threaded Screw Rods and Nuts.

Generic Trapezoidal Threaded Rods And Nuts


Constructs a generic trapezoidal-profile threaded screw rod. This method makes much smoother threads than the naive linear_extrude() method.

  • For metric trapezoidal threads, use thread_angle=15 and thread_depth=pitch/2.
  • For ACME trapezoidal threads, use thread_angle=14.5 and thread_depth=pitch/2.
  • For square threads, use thread_angle=0 and thread_depth=pitch/2.
  • For normal screw threads, use thread_angle=30 and thread_depth=pitch*3*sqrt(3)/8.
Arg What it does
d Outer diameter of threaded rod.
l Length of threaded rod.
pitch Thread pitch.
thread_depth Depth of threads. Default = pitch/2
thread_angle Trapezoidal angle of threads. Default = 15 degrees.
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false


trapezoidal_threaded_rod(d=10, l=100, pitch=5, thread_depth=2, thread_angle=30);


Constructs a generic trapezoidal-profile threaded nut.

  • For metric trapezoidal threads, use thread_angle=15 and thread_depth=pitch/2.
  • For ACME trapezoidal threads, use thread_angle=14.5 and thread_depth=pitch/2.
  • For square threads, use thread_angle=0 and thread_depth=pitch/2.
  • For normal screw threads, use thread_angle=30 and thread_depth=pitch*3*sqrt(3)/8.
Arg What it does
od Outer diameter of threaded nut.
id Diameter of threaded rod to make a nut for.
h Height/Thickness of the nut.
pitch Thread pitch.
thread_depth Depth of threads. Default = pitch/2
thread_angle Trapezoidal angle of threads. Default = 15 degrees.
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false
slop Slop to make the printed parts fit tightly. Default = 0.2


acme_threaded_nut(od=17.4, id=10.5, h=10, pitch=3.175, thread_depth=1, slop=0.15);

Metric and UTS (American) Triangular Threaded Rods And Nuts


Constructs an standard triangular threaded metric or UTS screw rod. This method makes much smoother threads than the naive linear_extrude method.

Arg What it does
d Outer diameter of threaded rod.
l Length of threaded rod.
pitch Thread pitch.
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false


threaded_rod(d=10, l=100, pitch=5, left_handed=true);


Constructs a standard metric or UTS (American) triangular threaded nut.

Arg What it does
od Outer diameter of threaded nut.
id Diameter of threaded rod to make a nut for.
h Height/Thickness of the nut.
pitch Thread pitch.
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false
slop Slop to make the printed parts fit tightly. Default = 0.2


acme_threaded_nut(od=17.4, id=10.5, h=10, pitch=3.175, thread_depth=1, slop=0.15);

ACME Threaded Rods And Nuts


Constructs an acme threaded screw rod. This method makes much smoother threads than the naive linear_extrude method.

Arg What it does
d Outer diameter of threaded rod.
l Length of threaded rod.
pitch Thread pitch.
thread_depth Depth of threads. Default = pitch/2
thread_angle Trapezoidal angle of threads. Default = 14.5 degrees.
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false


acme_threaded_rod(d=10, l=100, pitch=5, thread_depth=2, thread_angle=30);


Constructs an acme threaded nut.

Arg What it does
od Outer diameter of threaded nut.
id Diameter of threaded rod to make a nut for.
h Height/Thickness of the nut.
pitch Thread pitch.
thread_depth Depth of threads. Default = pitch/2
thread_angle Trapezoidal angle of threads. Default = 14.5 degrees.
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false
slop Slop to make the printed parts fit tightly. Default = 0.2


acme_threaded_nut(od=17.4, id=10.5, h=10, pitch=3.175, thread_depth=1, slop=0.15);

Standard Metric Trapezoidal Threaded Rods And Nuts


Constructs an standard metric trapezoidal threaded screw rod. This method makes much smoother threads than the naive linear_extrude method.

Arg What it does
d Outer diameter of threaded rod.
l Length of threaded rod.
pitch Thread pitch.
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1


metric\_trapezoidal\_threaded_rod(d=10, l=100, pitch=5, left_handed=true);


Constructs a standard metric trapezoidal threaded nut.

Arg What it does
od Outer diameter of threaded nut.
id Diameter of threaded rod to make a nut for.
h Height/Thickness of the nut.
pitch Thread pitch.
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1
slop Slop to make the printed parts fit tightly. Default = 0.2


metric_trapezoidal_threaded_nut(od=17.4, id=12, h=16, pitch=2, left_handed=true, starts=2, slop=0.15);

Standard Square-Profile Threaded Rods And Nuts


Constructs a standard square-profile threaded screw rod. This method makes much smoother threads than the naive linear_extrude method.

Arg What it does
d Outer diameter of threaded rod.
l Length of threaded rod.
pitch Thread pitch.
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1


square\_threaded_rod(d=10, l=100, pitch=5, left_handed=true, starts=3);


Constructs a standard square-profile threaded nut.

Arg What it does
od Outer diameter of threaded nut.
id Diameter of threaded rod to make a nut for.
h Height/Thickness of the nut.
pitch Thread pitch.
left_handed If true, create left-handed threads. Default = false
starts The number of lead starts. Default = 1
slop Slop to make the printed parts fit tightly. Default = 0.2


square_threaded_nut(od=17.4, id=12, h=16, pitch=2, left_handed=true, starts=2, slop=0.15);
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