A 3D game engine capable of parsing and running data files from the classic Sierra Studio's adventure game Gabriel Knight 3
This ScanGear MP provides scanning functions for Canon Multifunction Inkjet Printer.
C# library exposing public Qobuz v0.2 REST Api
Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer
script to submit ISRCs from disc to musicbrainz
Collection of userscripts for MusicBrainz, by various authors
Collection of userscripts for MusicBrainz
Javascript helper library to assist in injecting scripts, styles and html from userscripts.
launchpad package of graalvm community edition
Server for the ListenBrainz project, including the front-end (javascript/react) code that it serves and all of the data processing components that LB uses.
Barebones CEP Extension using React for the UI
Script for Adobe illustrator to generate SVG variations randomly
GNU Gnash (flash player), with patches to build in 2022. Debian's patches and my own additions.
Resurrection Remix Android Manifest
Convert sparse Android data image to filesystem ext4 image
Competition Management System for the GovHack Hackathon
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Extracts iframes or keyframes from a video file, through the command line or from inside python.
Download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL.
Automatically exported from
Client implementation for TheTVDB API v2 and v3