A serverless app to alert you on all your upcoming deadlines from Clubhouse.
To install you can clone this repository, and run make deps
to get the Go modules this app relies on.
There are a bunch of Makefile targets that help build and deploy the app
Target | Description |
build | Build the executable for Lambda |
clean | Remove all generated files |
deploy | Deploy the app to AWS Lambda |
deps | Get the Go modules from the GOPROXY |
destroy | Deletes the CloudFormation stack and all created resources |
help | Displays the help for each target (this message) |
local | Run SAM to test the Lambda function using Docker |
test | Run all unit tests and print coverage |
Inside the template.yaml, there are a few configuration options that you can set:
REGION: us-west-2 ## The AWS region you want to deploy your app to
TOADDRESS: !Ref ToMail ## The email address used as the "to address", configured using parameters
FROMADDRESS: !Ref FromMail ## The email address used as the "from address", configured using parameters
APITOKEN: !Ref ClubhouseToken ## The API token for Clubhouse
DAYS: 7 ## The number of days to search for upcoming stories
OWNER: retgits ## The name of the person to search stories for
WAVEFRONT_ENABLED: true ## Send metrics to Wavefront or not
WAVEFRONT_URL: !Ref WavefrontURL ## The URL to connect to Wavefront
WAVEFRONT_API_TOKEN: !Ref WavefrontToken ## The API token for Wavefront
The environment variables that have a !Ref
in front of it, are configured using CloudFormation parameters. These parameters are at the top of the template.yaml and are set in the Make targets.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
See the LICENSE file in the repository