Brace Maybe adds the ability to skip unit tests at run-time with the mocha testing framework to only show failed tests which matter.
A part of the Brace suite | Developed with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16 |
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- Synopsis
- Specification
Author: Robert Steckroth, Bust0ut [email protected]
Licensed under: MIT
- Finding what test failed is now possible in large unit test files.
- Not unit tested (extensive use in many projects however).
Below is an example of how to use Brace maybe in unit tests.
var maybe = require("brace_maybe")
var it_will = global
describe("Using stop further progression methodology for dependencies in: "+path.basename(__filename), function() {
// The it property is mutated by brace_maybe to allow for other functionality. It still has the same functionality as the original however.
var it = maybe(it_will)
it_will.stop = !!process.env.DRY_RUN
it_will.quiet = !!process.env.QUIET
it("r_js in the system as a program", function(done) {
it_will.stop = true
expect((function() {try { require("requirejs"); return true; } catch(e) { return e;}})(), "could not find r.js dependency")
// This is the only way to proceed with the other tests.
it_will.stop = false
describe("Running unit tests", function() {
var requirejs
beforeEach(function() {
requirejs = require("requirejs")
requirejs.config({baseUrl: path.join(__dirname, "..", "lib"), nodeRequire: require})
// This test will never run if the requirejs module is not available above.
it("can load the module", function(done) {
requirejs(["yourModule"], function(mod) {
// All of the built-in mocha it functionality works the same way.
//it.skip("This is a skipped test", function(done) { })
//it.only("This is the only test which will run", function(done) { })