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############################################################################## ## name: po_timed.ps1 ## script version 0.9 ## # # author: eduard-albert.prinz ## ## comment: execute with task scheduler to timed poweroff client(s) ## ## 20.02.2013 :: release ## ##############################################################################param ( [string]$regex = "" )$nl = [environment]::newline$clientfile = "\\$env:server\utils$\clients.csv"[int]$stop = 0[int]$time = 0[int]$crossings = 3[string]$client = ""$jobs = @()$clientlistcount = 0$date = ( get-date ).tostring('dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm_ss') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#logging to customize# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------$logdir = "$env:emp_utils"+"shutdownjobs\"$logfile = [string]::join('',($regex, "_$date.log"))$logfile = [string]::join('',($logdir, $logfile))if (!$(test-path $logdir)) {new-item $logdir -itemtype directory | out-null}if (!$(test-path $logfile)) {new-item -type file $logfile -force}$args | %{ switch ($_) { stop {[int]$stop = 1 } default {if($_ -match "^[\d\.]+$"){$time = $_}} }}function writelog{[cmdletbinding()] param ( [string]$msg = "" ) $logrecord = "------------------------------------------------------------$nl $((get-date).tostring())" $logrecord += $msg add-content -literalpath $logfile -value $logrecord}if($stop){ $jobs = @() $jobs = get-job $jobs | % { if(($_.state -eq "completed") -or ($_.state -eq "stopped") -or ($_.state -eq "failed")){remove-job $_.id} } $data = get-content –path $clientfile $clientlist = @() $count = 0 foreach ($row in $data){ $fields = $row.split(',') $clientlist += $fields[0] $count++ } $newclientlist = @() for($i=0; $i -lt $clientlist.count; $i++){ try{ if($clientlist[$i] -match $regex){ $newclientlist += $clientlist[$i] } } catch{ $errormessage = $_.exception.message $logmsg = "$nl incorrect regex syntax: $regex - please try again. $nl" writelog $logmsg } } $newclientlist.getenumerator() | sort-object value $clientlistcount = $newclientlist.count; $jobdescription = "" $logmsg = " poweroff computer in $time minutes for '$regex', $clientlistcount pc(s): "; writelog $logmsg; for($i=0; $i -lt $clientlistcount; $i++){ $client = $newclientlist[$i] $logmsg = " try to start-job for $client " writelog $logmsg try{ start-job -name $client -scriptblock{ param($computername, $time, $logfile, $crossings) $nl = [environment]::newline function writelog{ [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$msg = "" ) $logrecord = "------------------------------------------------------------$nl $((get-date).tostring())" $logrecord += $msg add-content -literalpath $logfile -value $logrecord } $global:seconds function countdown([int]$seconds) { while ($seconds -ge 1){ start-sleep -seconds 1 $seconds -- } } $ping = new-object system.net.networkinformation.ping try{ $pingreturns = $ping.send($computername, 1000) } catch{ $logmsg = "Ping request could host $computername not found." writelog $logmsg } if($pingreturns.status -ne "success"){ $logmsg = " $computername down " writelog $logmsg }else{ if($time -gt 0){ $quotient = ($time/$crossings) $global:seconds = ($quotient*60) for($i=0; $i -lt $crossings; $i++){ [string]$msgstop="this computer will stop in $time minutes. please log off." [string]$session="*" $command = "msg.exe $session /time:60" if($computername){ $command += " /server:$($computername)" } $command += " $($msgstop)" invoke-expression $command countdown -seconds $global:seconds $time = ($time - $quotient) } } try { $logmsg = " try stop : $computername `n" stop-computer -comp $computername -force $logmsg = " $computername stop success" writelog $logmsg } catch{ $errormessage = $_.exception.message $logmsg = " stop failed for $computername the error message was $errormessage " writelog $logmsg } } } -argumentlist $client, $time, $logfile, $crossings } catch{ $errormessage = $_.exception.message writelog $errormessage } } writelog " jobs running: $(@(get-job -state running).count) " get-job | wait-job | out-null writelog " jobs: $(@(get-job -state completed).count) completed " try { remove-job -state completed } catch{ $errormessage = $_.exception.message writelog $errormessage } exit}