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Releases: reonZ/pf2e-dailies


17 Apr 12:00
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  • removed debug log


17 Apr 02:09
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  • added an extra check to make sure only spells were added to the staff, in case the UUID for something else was provided in the description


16 Apr 22:40
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  • make sure Perform Daily Crafting doesn't remove temporary items in case the daily preparations were done before
  • added missing openDailiesInterface function in the api
  • fixed broken link for expended flexible slots during staff prep


12 Apr 22:48
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  • the module has been completely remade from scratch
  • daily selections made by a previous version will not be compatible
    • they will be reset on each character the first time the preparation interface is opened
    • from that point, everything will save properly between preparations
  • the module no longer has compendium packs
  • the module no longer interact with the chat (i never liked the idea to begin with)
    • no more daily preparation button in the message generate by Rest for the night
    • no more daily request macro
  • familiar abilities are no longer indiscriminately removed
    • only abilities added by the module will be (starting from this version)
    • familiar abilities are now removed on rest (previously only during daily prep)
    • this should allow for more customizable familiars such as specific ones
  • the previously Filter Out Dailies user setting is now a per-character feature
    • it can be accessed by clicking the filters button in the preparation interface header
  • temporary items added by the module will now be highlighted in the character and familiar sheets
    • this can be disabled in the settings
  • drop filters' options and warnings have been significantly improved
  • drop feat rows will now warn if the feat is already present on the character
  • drop spell rows can now have extra notes to remind of eventual requirements that cannot be achieved with filters alone
  • it is no longer possible to accept or modify anything inside the preparation window whenever an alert field is present (beside resolving the issue itself)
  • spellcasting entries created by the module to house added spells will now be personalized to the feat/daily/actor
  • improved styling of the preparation interface to avoid inconsistencies
  • no longer have backward compatibility support for the PF2e Staves module
  • the Mind Smith Dedication daily has been updated
  • the module now allows you to create and use Charges spellcasting entries
    • they work separately from the staves spellcasting entries
    • you can set the max value for charges
    • they behave the same way a regular spellcasting entry would
    • also works on NPCs, which allows for pseudo-staff entries
  • the staves preparation has seen a complete change in its core:
    • it no longer creates a spellcasting entry and spell items on the actor, it instead generates the entry during the actor prepareData like is done for wands & scrolls by the system
    • the staff spellcasting entry can now be found at the top of the Activations tab
    • a new draw, retrieve or pick up button is added if the staff isn't currently equipped
      • a message is created when equipping the staff that way if in combat
    • staff entries from an older module version will not be seen as staff entries anymore
      • they will still appear in the sheet but won't be usable
      • they will properly be removed during rest like everything else
    • the Staff Spellcasting Sort setting has been removed
      • the staves description still needs to respect the system's format
      • the rank label needs to contain a number to be parsed, anything without a number will be seen as a cantrip
    • staff spells above the character level / 2 will not be added to the entry
    • you can now expend spontaneous slots of higher ranks when casting a spell instead of the exact same rank
    • you can provide a spontaneous entry id & rank in the cast method options of the staff entry to skip the dialog popup
  • custom dailies made prior to this version will not be compatible (though still accessible)
    • the internal structure of dailies has been completely changed
    • a lot of new features and utilities have been added/removed/modified
    • it is now possible to have dailies that do not relate to an embedded item, familiar and staves dailies were previously hardcoded to bypass that restriction and are now made the same way any other daily
    • removed templates but added convenient functions to create simple dailies with ease
    • the PF2e Dailies Ext isn't usable anymore


10 Mar 01:17
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  • this is a 5.14.0 release
  • updated the module to maintain compatibility with the latest system version
  • summary message has received a small restyle
  • empty prepared slots can now be expended during staff preparation
    • the system doesn't have any visual cue to tell if an empty slot has been expended or not
    • placing a spell later on in an expended slot will show the spell as expended properly
  • fixed expended prepared spells during staff preparation being completely removed instead


11 Feb 13:18
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  • fixed language dailies not working with the latest system versions


09 Feb 20:13
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  • prevent the daily preparation from crashing if a staff contains an UUID that leads to nothing
  • fixed issue during spell staff preparation in the unusual situation where more than one prepared spellcasting entry exist and none have any spell actually prepared


05 Feb 00:34
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  • set a hard cap for the number of staff charges based on the actor level (this doesn't include expended spells)


31 Jan 15:11
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  • fixed error with ItemSpellcasting


31 Jan 14:57
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  • this is a 5.13.0 release
  • updated the different helpers changes made in the system
  • updated Staff Nexus to its remaster version, the makeshift staff now gets base charges like any staff and the feature adds extra expendable slots globally (the staff Type field has been removed)
  • the system now adds rule elements to feats that let you train a skill (e.g. Ageless Spirit, Ancestral Longevity, etc.), because those directly conflict with the module, they will be removed from said feats the first time a daily preparation is done on them, this is an irreversible process
    • if a player doesn't want to let the module handle one of those feat and prefers using the systems Roll Options, they are gonna have to add their key to the Filter Out Dailies setting
    • if the rule elements have already been removed from the feats due to daily preparation, the feats will have to be replaced in the character sheet
  • added support for Expert Longevity
  • removed the droppable field spell category filters from Tricster's Ace, having 2 categories leaves the browser window empty