diff --git a/content/integrate/prometheus-with-redis-enterprise/prometheus-metrics-definitions.md b/content/integrate/prometheus-with-redis-enterprise/prometheus-metrics-definitions.md
index 601d0fd3f..81c80f7b2 100644
--- a/content/integrate/prometheus-with-redis-enterprise/prometheus-metrics-definitions.md
+++ b/content/integrate/prometheus-with-redis-enterprise/prometheus-metrics-definitions.md
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ The v2 metrics in the following tables are available as of Redis Enterprise Soft
| generation{cluster_wd=} | gauge| Generation number of the specific cluster_wd|
| has_qourum{cluster_wd=, has_witness_disk=BOOL} | gauge| Has_qourum = 1
No quorum = 0 |
| is_primary{cluster_wd=} | gauge| primary = 1
secondary = 0 |
-| license_shards_limit | | Total shard limit by the license by shard type (ram / flash) |
+| license_shards_limit | gauge | Total shard limit by the license by shard type (ram / flash) |
| total_live_nodes_count{cluster_wd=} | gauge| Number of live nodes|
| total_node_count{cluster_wd=} | gauge| Number of nodes |
| total_primary_selection_ended{cluster_wd=} | counter | Monotonic counter for each selection process that ended |
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ The v2 metrics in the following tables are available as of Redis Enterprise Soft
| redis_server_mem_not_counted_for_evict | Portion of used_memory (in bytes) that's not counted for eviction and OOM error |
| redis_server_mem_replication_backlog | Size of replication backlog |
| redis_server_module_fork_in_progress | A binary value that indicates if there is an active fork spawned by a module (1) or not (0) |
-| namedprocess_namegroup_cpu_seconds_total | Shard process CPU usage percentage |
+| namedprocess_namegroup_cpu_seconds_total | Shard process CPU usage in seconds |
| namedprocess_namegroup_thread_cpu_seconds_total | Shard main thread CPU time spent in seconds |
| namedprocess_namegroup_open_filedesc | Shard number of open file descriptors |
| namedprocess_namegroup_memory_bytes | Shard memory size in bytes |