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Chart Verifier API


  • The API is first published in chart verifier release 1.8.0
  • The API in release 1.8.0 is not finalized and is subject to change.
  • The API is also available in development release 0.1.0.


The chart-verifier API is written using the Go language and is created to enable services to run the chart verifier and obtain a report. Use the chart-verifier API the same way as any Go package such as import and invoke.

The chart-verifier API consists of the following Go language packages:

Package Description
verifier Provides an API to set the verify flags for the chart-verifier and run the verifier to generate a report.
report Provides an API to get and set report content as a string in the JSON or YAML format.
reportSummary Provides an API to set the report flags for the chart-verifier and generate a report summary.
checks Provides an API to get a set containing all available checks.

Each of these packages are now described in more detail. These are followed by an example of use.


Go definition of the APIVerifier interface

func NewVerifier() ApiVerifier
type ApiVerifier interface {
	SetBoolean(key BooleanKey, value bool) ApiVerifier
	SetDuration(key DurationKey, duration time.Duration) ApiVerifier
	SetString(key StringKey, value []string) ApiVerifier
	SetValues(key ValuesKey, values map[string]interface{}) ApiVerifier
	EnableChecks(names []apichecks.CheckName) ApiVerifier
	UnEnableChecks(names []apichecks.CheckName) ApiVerifier
	Run(chart_uri string) (ApiVerifier, error)
	GetReport() *report.Report

Description of each function of the APIVerifier interface

  • NewVerifier - Creates a new Verifier.

  • SetBoolean: Sets a boolean flag. BooleanKey values are defined in the verifier package and include:

    • WebCatalogOnly
    • Provider Delivery (deprecated - replaced by WebCatalogOnly)
    • SuppressErrorLog
    • SkipCleanup
  • SetDuration: Sets a duration flag. DurationKey values are defined in the verifier package and include:

    • Timeout
  • SetString: Sets a string or string array flag. StringKey values are defined in the verifier package and include:

    • KubeApiServer
    • KubeAsUser
    • KubeCaFile
    • KubeConfig
    • KubeContext
    • KubeToken
    • Namespace
    • OpenshiftVersion
    • RegistryConfig
    • RepositoryConfig
    • RepositoryCache
    • Config
    • ChartValues
    • KubeAsGroups
  • SetValues: Sets a map of string,value pairs. ValuesKey values are defined in the verifier package and include:

    • CommandSet
    • ChartSet
    • ChartSetFile
    • ChartSetString
  • EnableChecks: Specifies a subset of checks to run.

    • Any checks not specified will not be run.
    • If no checks are specified all checks will be enabled.
    • A list of CheckName values that you can be enable are defined in the checks package, see checks.
  • UnEnableChecks: Specifies a subset of checks not to run.

    • Any checks not listed will be run.
    • If no checks are specified all checks will be enabled.
    • A list of CheckName values that you can un-enable are defined in the checks package, see checks.
  • Run: Runs the verifier based on the flags set and uri provided.

  • GetReport: Use after Run to get the verifier report see Report.


Go definition of the APIReport interface

func NewReport() APIReport
type APIReport interface {
    GetContent(ReportFormat) (string, error)
    SetContent(string) APIReport
    SetURL(url *url.URL) APIReport
    Load() (*Report, error)

Description of each function of the APIVerifier interface

  • NewReport: Creates a new Report.

  • GetContent: Gets the report as a string in either the JSON or YAML format. ReportFormat values are defined and available in the report package:

    • JsonReport - for the JSON format.
    • YamlReport - for the YAML format.
  • SetContent: Sets the report content from a string, for example a string as returned by GetContent. The format of the report YAML/JSON will be determined based on the report content.

  • SetUrl: Sets the URL of a report, the report being in string format, for example a string as returned by GetContent. The format of the report YAML/JSON will be determined based on the report content.

  • Load: Loads a report based on content set using SetContent or SetUrl. This will be called internally when the report is needed but can be used to check if a report will load without error.


Go definition of the APIReportSummary interface

func NewReportSummary() APIReportSummary
type APIReportSummary interface {
	SetReport(report *apireport.Report) APIReportSummary
	GetContent(SummaryType, SummaryFormat) (string, error)
	SetValues(values map[string]interface{}) APIReportSummary
	SetBoolean(key BooleanKey, value bool) APIReportSummary

Description of each function of the APIVerifier interface

  • NewReportSummary: Creates a ReportSummary.

  • SetReport: Sets the report from which the summary should be generated. For example a report as returned by report.NewReport.

  • GetContent: Gets the report summary as a string in either the JSON or YAML format. ReportFormat values are defined and availalble in the reportsummary package:

    • JsonReport - for the JSON format.
    • YamlReport - for the YAML format.
  • SetValues: Sets value flags to customize content of the report summary.

    • For example, to customize the result summary to be for a different profile.vendortype than is in the report:
      • set value profile.vendortype to the required profile (partner/redhat/community).
      • see also: profiles.
  • SetBoolean: Used to set a boolean flag. BooleanKey values are defined in the reportsummary package and include:

    • SkipDigestCheck - Intended for testing purpoises only.


Go definition of the GetChecks function

func GetChecks() []CheckName

Description of the GetChecks function

  • GetChecks: Get an array of CheckName types. The array content provides the following values that can be used for the verifier.EnableChecks and verifier.UnEnableChecks attributes.
    • ChartTesting
    • ContainsTest
    • ContainsValuesSchema
    • ContainsValues
    • HasKubeVersion
    • HasReadme
    • HelmLint
    • ImagesAreCertified
    • IsHelmV3
    • NotContainCsiObjects
    • NotContainsCRDs
    • RequiredAnnotationsPresent


This example shows a basic invocation of the chart-verifier API, getting and printing the resulting report and the report summary of the report.


  1. Import the packages of the chart-verifier API:
import (
  1. Set a profile.vendortype of redhat, un-enable the chart testing check, and run verify:
	// Run verification for a chart, but omit the chart testing check and run checks based on the redhat profile
	commandSet := make(map[string]interface{})
	commandSet["profile.vendortype"] = "redhat"

	verifier, verifierErr := verifier.NewVerifier().
		SetValues(verifier.CommandSet, commandSet).

  1. Get and print the report, created from the previous step, in the YAML format:
	// Get and print the report from the verify command
	report, reportErr := verifier.GetReport().
	fmt.Println("report content:\n", report)
  1. Set the profile.vendortype value to partner, get and print a report summary of the previous report in the JSON format.
	// Get and print the report summary  of the report, but using the partner profile.
	values := make(map[string]interface{})
	values["profile.vendortype"] = "partner"

	reportSummary, summmaryErr := reportsummary.NewReportSummary().
		GetContent(reportsummary.AllSummary, reportsummary.JsonReport)

	fmt.Println("report summary content:\n", reportSummary)