- CHANGELOG.md added to the project
- Add "-x/--exclusions"-option to CLI so it's possible to pass an exclusions file on the CLI
- Add -excpwd and -actpwd option to CLI to allow setting a password for actual and expected PDFs
- "Exclusions" button opens a new area for defining exclusions. Exclusions can be created as a rectangle in the PDF display with the mouse. The coordinates can then be adjusted in the right area if necessary.
- The exclusions file can be loaded and saved. You can also load exclusions using drag & drop.
- With the Diffs button, the calculated differences are displayed as exclusions.
- The New button adds a new exclusions block for the current page.
- The rectangles in the PDF display can be clicked. A double click in the right area jumps to the rectangle in the PDF display. Dashed guidelines appear around the rectangles.
- You can now zoom using the mouse wheel, while CTRL is pressed.
- Show return codes in CLI help text
- Integrations Tests - expected documents addapted to new PdfBox version.
- Upgrade PdfBox to version 2.0.22, which fixes a vulnerability
- Add getPagesWithDifferences to CompareResult
- Upgrade dependencies
- Add getPageDiffsInPercent to CompareResult to hand out how different pages are
- Upgrade some dependencies versions
- Upgrade to use PDFBox 3.0.0 internally
- Upgrade logback.classic to 1.3.12
- Upgrade logback.classic to 1.3.14
- Upgrade PDFBox to 3.0.1
- Add a config settings to configure the executorTimeoutInSeconds and changed the default from 900 seconds (15 Minutes) to 60 seconds. This is a small change,
that should not cause any compatibility issues.
The actual timeout for the whole comparisons is overallTimeoutInMinutes + executorTimeoutInSeconds. These timeouts are a security measure, should a comparisons run into a deadlock. The old defaults where 15 minutes overallTimeout + 15 minutes executorTimeout. This was reduced to 15 minutes + 1 minute. Comparisons that take between 16 minutes and 30 minutes succeeded before and would now fail. Then the overallTimeoutInMinutes should be increased.
- Upgrade slf4j to 2.0.12
- Upgrade logback to 1.5.3
- Upgrade typesafe.config to 1.4.3
- Upgrade commons-cli to 1.6.0
- Close InputStreams properly after use