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Folders and files

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You want to be able to upload files.


We are going to use the filestack service.


  1. Sign up and get a free api key
  2. Create a new project
  3. Add filestack to resources/public/index.html
  4. Add promesa to project.clj :dependencies vector
  5. Add promesa to core.cljs namespace
  6. Create a button to upload an image, btn-upload-image
  7. Add btn-upload-image to home
  8. Add externs

Step 1: Sign up and get a free api key

Go to filestack and create a free account. You will need to create a 'New application' to get an 'API Key'.

Step 2: Create a new project

$ lein new rc file-upload

Step 3: Add filestack to resources/public/index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="app"></div>

    <!-- ATTENTION \/ -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- ATTENTION /\ -->

    <script src="js/compiled/app.js"></script>

Step 4: Add promesa to project.clj :dependencies vector

[funcool/promesa "1.8.1"]

Step 5: Add promesa to core.cljs namespace

Navigate to src/cljs/file_upload/core.cljs and update the ns to the following.

(ns file-upload.core
   [reagent.core :as reagent]
   [promesa.core :as p]))

Step 6: Create button to upload an image, btn-upload-image

The example pick code looks like this:

var client = filestack.init('yourApiKey');

  accept: 'image/*',
  maxFiles: 5
}).then(function(result) {

Let's convert this to clojurescript - be sure to use the API Key that you got from step 1.

(defn btn-upload-image []
  ;; TODO: update XXXX with your api key
  (let [client (.init js/filestack "XXXX")]
     {:on-click (fn []
                  (-> (p/promise
                       (.pick client (clj->js {:accept   "image/*"
                                               :maxFiles 5})))
                      (p/then #(let [files-uploaded (.-filesUploaded %)
                                     file           (aget files-uploaded 0)
                                     file-url       (.-url file)]
                                 (js/console.log "URL of file:" file-url)))))}
     "Upload Image"]))

Step 7: Add btn-upload-image to home

(defn home []

Step 8: Add externs

For advanced compilation, we need to protect names used for interop from getting renamed. Add an externs.js file.

var TopLevel = {
"filestack" : function () {},
"filesUploaded" : function () {},
"init" : function () {},
"log" : function () {},
"pick" : function () {},
"url" : function () {}

Open project.clj and add a reference to the externs in the cljsbuild portion.

:externs ["externs.js"]


Compile cljs files.

$ lein clean
$ lein cljsbuild once prod

Open resources/public/index.html.

Upload a couple files, then navigate to your app on filestack. You can see the uploaded files under the Assets section.