released this
19 Oct 20:10
9.12.0 (2019-10-19)
Bug Fixes
handle setting transform attribute on clipPath, fixes #1152 (73b21d1 )
improve handling of transform attribute on clipPath, fixes #1152 (3aa126e )
ios: backwards compatible RCTImageLoader.h handling fixes #1141 (3c22c97 )
ios: clipPath rendering, fixes #1131 (2534537 )
ios: deprecation of RCTImageLoader fixes #1141 (5452144 )
ios: fix changes in color/currentColor/tintColor, fixes #1151 (0c7e94d )
ios: image viewBox opposite handling of y alignment, fixes #1138 (c69e9e2 )
js: allow setting stopColor/Opacity/Offset using styles, fix #1153 (5984e06 )
getPointAtLength signature (2c57af2 )
getScreenCTM calculation (5c5072d )
improve native method spec conformance (c63f9e2 )
improve types for getBBox (cecde7d )
prepare script (9a3dc4e )
ios: memory leak in tspan, fixes #1073 (974f3a8 )
fix native methods spec conformance (ecedb21 )
Make native methods synchronous (8ce7611 )
refine types for matrix helpers (409af91 )
refine types for matrix helpers (7a3f867 )
android: defineMarker/getDefinedMarker storage (e6eda84 )
android: native method scaling and getScreenCTM offset (f3e0b19 )
native method signatures web compatibility / spec conformance (8687a3d )
ios: optimize extractPathData, clear PathMeasure when no textPath (df69c26 )
flow: add flowgen to generate flow types from typescript, #1125 (fcd66fb )
implement getBBox, getCTM, getScreenCTM (f13d54a )
implement isPointInStroke (2ba64df )
initial implementation of isPointInFill (203e53b )
support using native methods using promises instead of callbacks (c28499b )
android: implement getTotalLength and getPointAtLength (cd667d0 )
ios: implement getTotalLength and getPointAtLength (78c4f20 )
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