This document lays out the current public properties and methods for the React Native Image Picker.
static showImagePicker(options?, callback)
Display the image picker.
See Options for further information on options
The callback
will be called with a response object, refer to The Response Object.
static launchCamera(options?, callback)
Skip the alert dialog and launch the camera directly.
See Options for further information on options
The callback
will be called with a response object, refer to The Response Object.
static launchImageLibrary(options?, callback)
Skip the alert dialog and launch the image library directly.
See Options for further information on options
The callback
will be called with a response object, refer to The Response Object.
option | iOS | Android | Info |
title | OK | OK | Specify null or empty string to remove the title |
cancelButtonTitle | OK | OK | Specify null or empty string to remove this button |
takePhotoButtonTitle | OK | OK | Specify null or empty string to remove this button |
chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle | OK | OK | Specify null or empty string to remove this button |
chooseWhichLibraryTitle | - | OK | Specify null or empty string to use default Android title. Is shown when user has multiple apps that can open library. |
customButtons | OK | OK | An array containing objects with the name and title of buttons |
cameraType | OK | - | 'front' or 'back' |
mediaType | OK | OK | 'photo', 'video', or 'mixed' on iOS, 'photo' or 'video' on Android |
maxWidth | OK | OK | Photos only |
maxHeight | OK | OK | Photos only |
quality | OK | OK | 0 to 1, photos only |
videoQuality | OK | OK | 'low', 'medium', or 'high' on iOS, 'low' or 'high' on Android |
durationLimit | OK | OK | Max video recording time, in seconds |
rotation | - | OK | Photos only, 0 to 360 degrees of rotation |
allowsEditing | OK | - | bool - enables built-in iOS functionality to resize the image after selection |
noData | OK | OK | If true, disables the base64 data field from being generated (greatly improves performance on large photos) |
storageOptions | OK | OK | If this key is provided, the image will be saved in your app's Documents directory on iOS, or your app's Pictures directory on Android (rather than a temporary directory) |
storageOptions.skipBackup | OK | - | If true, the photo will NOT be backed up to iCloud |
storageOptions.path | OK | OK | If set, will save the image at Documents/[path]/ rather than the root Documents for iOS, and Pictures/[path]/ on Android. |
storageOptions.cameraRoll | OK | OK | If true, the cropped photo will be saved to the iOS Camera Roll or Android DCIM folder. |
storageOptions.waitUntilSaved | OK | - | If true, will delay the response callback until after the photo/video was saved to the Camera Roll. If the photo or video was just taken, then the file name and timestamp fields are only provided in the response object when this AND cameraRoll are both true. |
permissionDenied.title | - | OK | Title of explaining permissions dialog. By default Permission denied . |
permissionDenied.text | - | OK | Message of explaining permissions dialog. By default To be able to take pictures with your camera and choose images from your library. . |
permissionDenied.reTryTitle | - | OK | Title of re-try button. By default re-try |
permissionDenied.okTitle | - | OK | Title of ok button. By default I'm sure |
key | iOS | Android | Description |
didCancel | OK | OK | Informs you if the user cancelled the process |
error | OK | OK | Contains an error message, if there is one |
customButton | OK | OK | If the user tapped one of your custom buttons, contains the name of it |
data | OK | OK | The base64 encoded image data (photos only) |
uri | OK | OK | The uri to the local file asset on the device (photo or video) |
origURL | OK | - | The URL of the original asset in photo library, if it exists |
isVertical | OK | OK | Will be true if the image is vertically oriented |
width | OK | OK | Image dimensions (photos only) |
height | OK | OK | Image dimensions (photos only) |
fileSize | OK | OK | The file size (photos only) |
type | OK | OK | The file type (photos only) |
fileName | OK (photos and videos) | OK (photos) | The file name, if available |
path | - | OK | The file path |
latitude | OK | OK | Latitude metadata, if available |
longitude | OK | OK | Longitude metadata, if available |
timestamp | OK | OK | Timestamp metadata, if available, in ISO8601 UTC format |
originalRotation | - | OK | Rotation degrees (photos only) See #109 |