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Dmitry Fleytman edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 5 revisions

rebuild: Zero-dependency, reproducible build environments

Rebuild overview

Building modern software in a predictable and repeatable way is not easy. Overwhelming amount of software dependencies and need to isolate conflicting components introduces challenge of build environments management.

There are many tools aimed to mitigate this challenge. And they all generally utilise two approaches - either relying on package managers to preserve and replicate package sets or use virtual or physical machines with pre-configured environments.

Both of these ways are flawed. Package managers fail to provide single environment for components with conflicting build dependencies. Separate machines are heavy and fail to provide seamless user experience.

Rebuild is utilising modern containerisation technologies carefully tuned to combine isolation missed by package managers with operation comfort and lightness missed by separate machines.

The basic concept of rebuild is "environment". And you can [create, run and share](Client CLI) environments with rebuild.

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What can I use rebuild for?

Rebuild is perfect for establishing build infrastructure for source code. Rebuild allows to create and share fast, isolated and immutable build environments. These environments may be used both locally and as a part of continuous integration systems.

Distinctive feature of rebuild environments is seamless user experience. Working with rebuild feels like running make on the local machine.

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What is rebuild's architecture?

Rebuild is a CLI application installed on user machine or build server. This application does all build environment related tasks, namely creation or acquisition, running and sharing.

Rebuild application can communicate with Docker Hub and private docker registry servers to publish and deploy build environments.

The underlying technology

Rebuild is written in bash and uses shell utilities which are available on virtually any modern operating system.

rebuild takes advantage of docker engine to create and run self-sufficient isolated environments. This makes rebuild work on any platform that supports docker command line.

Rebuild license

Rebuild is licensed under the open source Apache 2.0 license.