As of 2020-03-25 All notable changes to my Homeassistant configuration will be documented in this file.
- Added template sensors for monitoring, filtering and alerting on battery levels of wireless devices.
- Added new Xiaomi Aqara LLKZMK11LM Dual Switch for the garden, decomissioned CoCo switch.
- Added Xiaomi Mijia WXKG01LM wireless switch for light control for the second floor room.
- Added new Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-D02-TRIAC-LN dimmer for second floor room, decommisioned CoCo dimmer.
- Updated: Minor changes to picture-elements cards.
- Updated: Complete overhaul of picture-elements cards incl. the creation of new buttons and icons.
- Updated: Revision of a number of flows in Node-RED related to: precense, scenes, light behaviour.
- Removed: Commented automations ans scripts from HA (these are all in Node-RED now).
- Added: custom card for labels in picture-elements cards (text-element card).
- Added: Lidl/Silvercrest ZigBee powerplugs for high cabinets and christmas tree.
- Updated: A number of small changes in Node-RED flows.
- Updated: started clean-up of Lovelace custom cards configurations
- Updated: HA 0.114.1 sequential to version 0.117.6
- Added: Node-RED flows for lightcontrol based on Xiaomi light sensors icncluding supporting input_booleans in HA.
- Updated: HA to version 0.114.1
- Added windows on the 2nd floor to the UI. Issue #013
- Added experimental wake-up light function in Node-RED. Issue #042
- Added new garbage bin (paper) for testing earlier notification (day before). Issue #041
- Added BLE temp/humidity sensors based on BLE Xiaomi Mijia devices
- Added BLE tracker based on ESPHome/ESP32. Issue #043
- Disabled all YAML automations and scripts that moved to Node-RED over the last weeks. Rebooted HA with "clean" config.
- Disabled all YAML based entities that are no longer in use.
- Migrated last automations and scripts to Node-RED over the past weeks.
- Migrated humidity notifications to Node-RED.
- Migrated netwrok alerts to Node-RED.
- Migrated battery status alerts to Node-RED.
- All notification are now in Node-RED incl. mechanism to hold notifications when we are away or sleeping.
- Updated: Changed buienradar interval to 5 minutes.
- Updated: Changed names for garbage calendar, conflicts with names for garbage bins in Node-RED.
- Added: State of cartridges for the HP printer in Lovelace-UI.
- Removed: Server states for the Domoticz (master) server from the Lovelace-UI.
- Updated: Started updates on Hue lamps logic in Node_RED.
- Created backups of all Node_RED flows ans node JavaScript (Part 2).
- Added: New iPhone for family member including notifications and person settings.
- Created backups of all Node_RED flows ans node JavaScript (Part 1).
- Updated: Some lovelace updates for the home dashboard.
- Updated: Notifications to allow for priority during silent hours and away from home times
- Updated: Notification silence during night time (based on bed time scene) to Node-RED was not working well.
- Added: Small node-RED flow for slave storage door input_boolean (10 sec. delayed off)
- Added: Test automation with new choose function for test in HA for slave storage door input_boolean.
- Added: Slave input_boolean.door_storage_door_delayed for delayed off (used for mailbox sensor).
- Added: Added silence during night time (based on bed time scene) to Node-RED.
- Added: Node-RED queue for notifications so notifications are stored when someone is not home.
- Added: Notification in Node-RED, disabled HA notification automations and scripts.
- Changed: Moved RfxTrx integration from Domoticz to HA including update of all actuators and sensors
- Added: Glances integration for monitoring server HW
- Bugfix: Wrong payload send to livingroom lights state input_select
- Migrated media center control to Node-RED.
- Updated: Node-RED flows for lighting.
- Removed: Hue from config files (yaml). Is now integration.
- Updated: theme files to remove paper as class.
- Updated: HA to version 0.113.2
- Updated custome header configuration
- Updated mini-graph-card-bundle to version 0.9.4
- Updated button-card to version 3.3.6
- Updated custom-header to version 1.6.5
- Updated decluttering-card to version 0.6.3
- Updated card-mod to version 14
- Updated HA to version 0.112.2
- Migrated rest room heating to Node-RED. Issue #040
- Migrated scenes to Node-RED. Issue #039
- Migrated presence detection to Node-RED. Issue #038
- Migrated porch light to Node-RED. Issue #037
- Migrated hallway lights to Node-RED. Issue #036
- Migrated livingroom hue lights to Node-RED. Issue #035
- Migrated high cabinets lights to Node-RED. Issue #034
- Migrating bar lights to Node-RED. Issue #033
- NodeRed: Migrating water ornament to Node-RED. Issue #032
- NodeRed: Migrated the christmas tree to Node-RED. Issue #030
- NodeRed: Migrated the garden lights to Node-RED. Issue #031
- Release before introduction of Node-RED
- Changed switch entities. Mostly only added freindly names Issue #007
- Updated HA to version 0.108.8
- Changed light entity types. Most come from hue bridge, so not possible to change these.
- Removed water ornament from UI as this item is removed from the garden.
-entity light.program_missed was showing as light.dim_bar_lights. Removed device from HA Brdige and re-entered it
- Removed MySensors integration as it is currently not used. Issue #029
- Changed Z-Wave sensor names to more logical names. Issue #007
- Changed Z-Wave device names to more logical names. Issue #007
- Added seperate automation for sending alerts when not home. Now every trigger of someone coming home is kicking of the automation.
- Promoted dashboard items for showing the humidity in the house by means of RAG (Red-Amber-Green) indicators to final. Issue #025
- Fixed wrong entity ID for timer Zigbee2MQTT in Lovelace UI tab settings. Issue #026
- Mechanism to send alerts at 08:00 (after nightly silence) and at homecoming See Issue #028
- Added functions for monitoring sensors that are no longer updating See Issue #027
- Added experimental dashboard items for showing the humidity in the house by means of RAG (Red-Amber-Green) indicators. Issue #025
- removed template sensors for RAG from package.environment.yaml (sensor.environment_livingroom_humidity_rag & sensor.environment_test_humidity_rag) Not used.
- Changed behavior of humidity warmings for livingroom. Issue #024
- Fixed: Triggers missing for Pathe thuis and Disney+ in automations: Media - actions triggered from UI, Media - actions triggered from HA-Bridge, Media - actions triggered from Harmony Hub
- Fixed: Trigger for Uitzending gemist from HA Bridge in automation Media - actions triggered from HA-Bridge was wrong, no binanry sensor used.
- Fixed: Friendly name input_boolean.dummy_side_room_window Issue #022
- Fixed: Name changed to Zigbee joinen toegestaan voor input_boolean.zigbee2mqtt_permit_join Issue #023
- Changed name of most network sensors from nc_xxx to network_xxx in all files
- Changed decluttering template for stats_critical_small_icon and stats_normal_small_icon to match network_ instead of nc_
- sensors: Changed multiple entities names to more logical names.
- Sensors: Added missing friendly names
- Removed unused groups from file package_network.yaml
- Support for Disney+ source selection on LG television. Requires testing! Issue #019
- Support for Pathé Thuis source selection on LG television. Requires testing! Issue #020
- Support for Uitzending gemist source selection on LG television. Requires testing! Issue #018
- Fixed: File media_center.yaml. Multiple wrong names for input_booolean.media_program_missed (Uitzending gemist).
- Fixed: File media_center.yaml. Wrong reference for input_boolean.media_mediaplayer (still media_player used in dict).
- Lovelace: Button for Uitzending gemist added to mediaplayer tab (mediaplayer.yaml). Issue #018
- Lovelace: Button for Disney+ added to mediaplayer tab (mediaplayer.yaml). Issue #019
- Lovelace: Button for Pathe thuis added to mediaplayer tab (mediaplayer.yaml). Issue #020
- Lovelace: Changed media_button_large to support pictures additional to icons. Issue #021
- Lovelace: Changed mediaplayer buttons for media modes to support entity_pictures. Issue #021
- Fixed: Reversed some names for media modes to match Harmony names. Issue #010
- FIxed: Changed selection for light modes. Issue #016
- Option to select Uitzending gemist added to media_center.yaml. Issue #018
- Fixed: Top floor showing door in loverlace instead of right window. Issue #015
- Fixed: Hallway light not working anymore. Issue #011
- Fixed: Livingroom lights not working from lovelace button anymore. Issue #017
- Fixed: First floor hallway door showing as groundfloor door on floorplan. Issue #014
- hue scripts: Fixed bug in script names.
- input_boolean: Changed multiple entities names to more logical names.
- timer: Changed entity_id 'timer.zigbee_permit_join' to 'timer.zigbee2mqtt_permit_join' in package_zigbee2mqtt.yaml
- mediaplayer: Reverted change name webostv to living_room_tv.
- binary_sensor: picture not presented in LovelaceUI for doors/windows. Updated sensor configuration.
- timer: Changed multiple entities names to more logical names.
- input_boolean: Changed name 'input_boolean.hallwaylight' to 'input_boolean.light_hallway' in package_hallway.yaml
- script: Changed multiple entities names to more logical names.
- automations: bug fixes in referenced automations
- automation: changed the humidity automations to not notify when humidity is high or low (commented).
- input_text: Changed multiple entities names to more logical names.
- mediaplayer: Changed name of media_player_living_room_tv.
- climate: Changed entity name to more logical name.
- input_number: Changed multiple entities names to more logical names.
- input_select: Changed multiple entities names to more logical names.
- automation: Change automation aliases to english and rationalize (continued). See Issue #008
- binary_sensor: Changed multiple sensors names to more logical names.
- entitie: Changed entity names to match with functional use, example: sensor.room_humidity_livingroom > sensor.environment_livingroom_humidity. see Issue #007
- automation: Change automation aliases to english and rationalize. Example 'Kerstboom aan-uit' to 'Switch christmas tree toggle' in package_livingroom.yaml. See Issue #008
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Switch christmas tree toggle'
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Light bar toggle'
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Light Porch toggle'
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Light hallway toggle'
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Light high cabinets toggle'
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Light garden toggle'
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Switch water ornament toggle'
- Automation: Replaced if-else statements with inline Jinja2 formated statements for 'Light livingroom toggle'
- All package files: Removed all unused and obsolte groups as these are no longer required since the old state UI was depricated in HA 0.107. See Issue #002
-, file containing notable changes in my Homeassistant configuration.
- All files: Removed changelogs from individual configuration files.