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Step 10: Custom CSS in block themes


1. Custom CSS in theme.json

  1. In the style.css file, add the following CSS:
a:hover { 
    text-decoration-thickness: 1px !important; 
    text-underline-offset: 0.3ch;
  1. Confirm that the link underline thickness is now thinner in the Editor and on the front end.
  2. Remove the CSS from the style.css file.
  3. In the theme.json file, add the following JSON at the end of the styles section.
"styles": {
    "css": "a, a:hover { text-decoration-thickness: 1px !important; text-underline-offset: 0.3ch; }"
  1. Confirm that the link underline thickness is now thinner in the Editor and on the front end.
  2. Navigate to Appearance → Editor → Styles and click the pencil icon or the canvas to edit Global Styles.
  3. In the Styles panel, click "Additional CSS" and confirm the custom CSS added in theme.json is present.

2. Per-block stylesheets

  1. In the /assets folder, create a new folder named /blocks.
  2. Within that folder, create another folder named /core that contains four files:
    • column.css
    • columns.css
    • cover.css
    • media-text.css
  3. Copy the block-specific custom CSS currently in style.css (added in prior steps) to the corresponding stylesheets.
  4. In the functions.php file, register the individual block stylesheets using the wp_enqueue_block_style() function using the following code:
 * Enqueue per-block stylesheets.
function wpu_enqueue_per_block_styles() {
    // Add the block name (with namespace) for each style.
    $blocks = array(

    // Loop through each block and enqueue its styles.
    foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {

        // Replace slash with hyphen for filename.
        $handle_slug = str_replace( '/', '-', $block );

        wp_enqueue_block_style( $block, array(
            'handle' => "wpu-block-{$handle_slug}-styles",
            'src'    => get_theme_file_uri( "assets/blocks/{$block}.css" ),
            'path'   => get_theme_file_path( "assets/blocks/{$block}.css" )
        ) );
add_action( 'init', 'wpu_enqueue_per_block_styles' );
  1. (Optional) Abstract this code so it works for any block:
 * Enqueue per-block stylesheets.
function wpu_enqueue_per_block_styles() {

	// Get all available block types.
	$block_types = glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/assets/blocks/*/' );
	$block_types = array_map(
		function( $type_path ) { return basename( $type_path ); },

	foreach ( $block_types as $block_type ) {

		// Get all available block styles of the given block type.
		$block_styles = glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/assets/blocks/' . $block_type . '/*.css' );
		$block_styles = array_map(
			function( $styles_path ) { return basename( $styles_path, '.css' ); },

		foreach ( $block_styles as $block_style ) {

			// Enqueue individual block stylesheets.
				$block_type . '/' . $block_style,
					'handle' => 'wpu-block-' . $block_type . '-' . $block_style . '-styles',
					'src'    => get_theme_file_uri( 'assets/blocks/' . $block_type . '/' . $block_style . '.css' ),

					// Add "path" to allow inlining of block styles when possible.
					'path'   => get_theme_file_path( 'assets/blocks/' . $block_type . '/' . $block_style . '.css' ),
add_action( 'init', 'wpu_enqueue_per_block_styles' );
  1. (Optional) Since the style.css file is no longer being used to style the theme, remove the wpu_setup and wp_enqueue_scripts functions from the functions.php file.


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