diff --git a/test/bats/base-test.bats b/test/bats/base-test.bats index 7316684b3..53c79f5dd 100644 --- a/test/bats/base-test.bats +++ b/test/bats/base-test.bats @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ RATIFY_NAMESPACE=gatekeeper-system @test "validate inline key management provider with inline certificate store" { # this test validates that if a key management provider and certificate store are both configured with the same name, - # the certificate store will take precedence and continue to work as expected + # the key management provider will take precedence and continue to work as expected teardown() { echo "cleaning up" wait_for_process ${WAIT_TIME} ${SLEEP_TIME} 'kubectl delete pod demo --namespace default --force --ignore-not-found=true' @@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ RATIFY_NAMESPACE=gatekeeper-system # validate key management provider status property shows success run bash -c "kubectl get certificatestores.config.ratify.deislabs.io/ratify-notation-inline-cert-0 -n ${RATIFY_NAMESPACE} -o yaml | grep 'issuccess: true'" assert_success - # verification should fail as the certificate store will take precedence over the key management provider + # verification should succeed as the existing KMP will take precedence over the new certificate store run kubectl run demo1 --namespace default --image=registry:5000/notation:signed - assert_failure + assert_success }