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Release notes for versions 2.x

NOTE Even already the follow up of "" already exists, "eu.xstructuring.dita.lce" v3p0,
we decided to also make a new version for "" because most vendors and clients still use "".

It is not defined yet if the changes will be moved to the 3.0 version or if the 3.0 version will be deleted. Most of the important changes are already in 2.6.

Version 2.8

  • new interaction: lceSpeakingQuestion. This interaction looks a bit like a textEntry. You can fill in a word or sentence the student must read. You can also add an audio (or more if you have audio e.g. for EN-GB and EN-US). The audio can be played before the student is reading or used as correct answer and be played after the students answer was wrong. Both, text and audio are children of the same container element.
  • new interaction: lceBasicPuzzle. This is a more simple XML for a puzzle question. The puzzle answer is based on the simpletable. It is up to the output how the puzzle wil look like. It can be used for acrostic and for crossword puzzles. Use the attribut 'orientation' to define this.
  • add values to attribut answertype
    • inactive, this can be used in e.g. a hotspot when some hotspots are defined but should not be active.
    • solutionpart, this can be used in the basic puzzle to define that a letter of a word is part of the overall solution.
  • add value to attribut orienation
    • cross - should be used for the basic puzzle when the output should be a crossword.

Version 2.7

  • new shell XSD voor lceMap; now in the map all lce attributes can be used
  • new attributes for list, box and table layout
    • olstyle: defines the style of the ol, values are: decimal, upper-latin, lower-latin, upper-roman, lower-roman and lower-greek
    • ulstyle: defines the stype for the symbol used, values are: bullet, dash, circle, blank, square, checkbox and arrow
    • olstart: defines with which number should be started if different from 1
    • olhierarchicalsep: defines the seperator which should be used for nested ol
    • licheckboxmark: true/false, can be used to define that the checkbox already should be marked
    • boxwidth: defines the relative width of a box
    • boxheight: defines the relative height of a box
    • rowheight: defines the height of a row
    • linestyle: defines how the line/border of a box, table, colom, row or entry should look like.
    • conerradius: defines if a box should have round corners
  • new attributes for using colors
    • color: type xs:string, can be used to define the color of a text (using the ph element)
    • background: type xs:string, can be used to define the background color of text (using the ph element), or block elements like box, table, col, row and entry. Instead of a color it is possible to use an image code for a background image.
  • new attribute position: can be used to define the position in the print layout
  • new attribute icon: in this attribute a code for an icon can be given
  • new attribute participation: with this attribute you can define if a question or sub-question should be worked out with a partner or in a group.

Version 2.6.1 and 2.6.2

  • Bugfixes

Version 2.6

  • new attributes for answers
    • answerlength - for gaps, t-shirt sizing
    • answerlines - for open questions, integer
    • answerformat - mainly for gaps, values: text, math, decimal, integer, date
    • answernumbercorrect - for e.g. hotspot if all hotspot are correct but only a certain amount must be chosen
    • outputorder - if shuffle is not wanted and the order must be a certain
  • new attribute: questiontype - to define the sort question, at the moment only "opinion"
  • add value "inexact" to attribut answertype; should be used for text entry questions when the answer can variate a bit
  • new attribute: placeholder - for text which must be overwritten by the end-user, usually used for text entry questions
  • new question element: lceInlineOrder - new question in which words or fragements within a sentence can be ordered; add to the inline interactions
  • new element: lceMarginal - special element for content e.g. hyperlinks which must stand the marginal in a print product; in a digital product it should be mouse over or something like that.
  • changed content model of lcInteraction, now the div element is allowed as child of lcInteraction; this is done by adding div to the group lceperforminteraction-d-lcInteractionBase2

Version 2.5

  • new elements: lceCalculation, lceFraction, with children lceNumerator and lceDenominator), lceMathSign and lceMathPh. The lceCalculation should only be used in the lceTextEntry.
  • new elements: lceHottextMeaning and lceRef. In the lceHottextMeaning should be used to define the meaning of a hottext. From the lceHottextOption you can use the lceRef element to link the right meaning.
  • new elements: lceBox - should be used for special content which has a title and mostley is displayed as box

Version 2.3 / 2.4

  • new interaction: lceGraphicAssociate - interaction where you can reate hotspots and set relation between hotspots (drawing lines)
  • new element lceExplanation: based on div, available in undbounded choice group with lcAsset2; should be used to explain the content/context of a question/answer
  • new attribute contentclass, based on base; should be used for the semantic meaning of an element instead of outputclass

Version 2.2.1

  • Changed content model of lcePerformQuestion.content: add lcOpenAnswer2

Version 2.2

  • new interactions: lceChainMatching - matching items from more than two bukkets

Version 2.1

  • new interaction: GraphicTextEntry