Augmented reality application scanning a sand surface using a Kinect 3D camera, and projecting a real- time updated topography map with topographic contour lines, hillshading, and an optional real-time water flow simulation back onto the sand surface using a calibrated projector
This code that was originally from UC Davis was modified to further model flood-related scenarios.
Thesis: Simulating Flood-related Disaster Scenarios Using an Augmented Reality Sandbox Authors: Faine Mabry A. Fonseca, Raphael S. Remorosa, Aaron Cole T. See Advisors: Paolo Antonio G. Gonzalez, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Ph.D
Deviations from the code are as follows:
- Modified internal GUI to allow users to modify several variables chosen by the researchers.
- External GUI made from Java to allow users to initialize the scale and the evaporation rate of the SARndbox with ease.
- Addition of an experimental seepage code that uses the drain feature of the SARndbox.
- Find the depth of a point in the SARndbox to determine if that point is flooded.
- More accurate seepage code (localization of the draining function).
- Find a way to determine how much of a flood was reduced via factors (man-made and natural structures).
- Varying rainfall function.