A utility application used to notify a system admin when a user succesfully authenticated on a certain machine over ssh or scp.
- Listens for any changes in ssh logs
- Verifies that an user succesfully authenticated with any user
- Optionally, an option is added to disregard any local IPs (e.g. 192.168..)
- Sends any logon event to the pushbullet api wrapper, which sends this event to all devices connected through the API key provided
Place the two components anywhere on the server. These can also be placed on 2 diffrent machines, but they have to be able to reach eachother over socket.io
After cloning the repository, to run them both just create a node process:
$ node pushbullet/index.js
$ node watcher/watcher.js
Make sure you change the following options:
- API key inside pushbullet index
- Option to avoid LAN connections
- Ports used for socket.io (you can use any of your unused ones)
Alex Whitman [email protected] - PushBullet API