This project is designed and developed with the help of -
- Udemy course (OmPrakash Chavan - Appium Mobile Automation - Android & iOS + Frameworks + CICD)
- Cucumber - BDD framework and Reporting
- Gherkin - Business Readable, Domain Specific Language
- Appium - Mobile Automation Library
- Java - Programming Language
- Maven - Build and Dependency Management
- Log4J2 - Logging framework
- TestNG - Testing framework
- IntelliJ - IDE
- Application used: (V2.7.1)
Framework features
- Designed with Page Object Model
- Support parallel execution using TestNG
- Screenshot capture on scenario failure
- Video recording for each scenario
- Supports both Android and iOS
- Captures screenshot on Scenario Failure
- Supports Logging using Log4J2
- Start and stop Appium server Programatically
- Supports Cucumber-HTML-Reporter Plugin for detailed reports
How to run the Project from Local machine
- Pull the code into your machine and import in IDE (Eclipse/intelliJ).
- Run as Mvn test
- Make sure devices (Either Emulator/Simulator or Real-Device) are ready