Not Pure Poole is a simple, beautiful, and powerful Jekyll theme for blogs. It is built on Poole and Pure.
Poole explains that Jekyll has been asking for a particular chemical for days now but every time it has been fetched for him he rejects it as not pure. Poole also explains that he caught a glimpse of the man inside and he looked barely human.
See Not Pure Poole in action with the demo site.
- Jekyll SEO Tag
- Jekyll Feed
- Jekyll Sitemap
- Jekyll Gist
- Google Analytics
- Disqus
- Font Awesome
- MathJax
- Dark mode (enabled automatically via CSS media query)
- Posts archive by dates, categories, and tags
- Pagination, generated by Jekyll Paginate
- TOC (generated by Vladimir "allejo" Jimenez's jekyll-toc)
- Related posts (time-based, because Jekyll) below each post
- Mobile friendly design and development
- Easily scalable text and component sizing with
units in the CSS - Support for a wide gamut of HTML elements
- Syntax highlighting, courtesy Pygments (the Python-based code snippet highlighter)
You can choose one of the following methods to install Not Pure Poole:
Directly specify the
gem 'not-pure-poole'
into yourGemfile
. -
Add the below lines into your
.plugins: - not-pure-poole
If your site is hosted on GitHub Pages, you can use
to import the master branch of Not Pure Poole.-
gem 'jekyll-remote-theme'
into yourGemfile
. -
Add the below lines into your
.plugins: - jekyll-remote-theme remote_theme: vszhub/not-pure-poole
You can read this example post to see the rendering result in this theme, and put the source aside to learn some basic usages.
The _config.yml
file in this repository already contains some variables, you can try to override them in your repository.
Not Pure Poole leaves a placeholder to allow defining custom head, in principle, you can add anything here, e.g. favicons. All you need to do is just creating a file _includes/custom-head.html
and put data into it.
If you want to make your own color schemes, modify the CSS variables in the _sass/_variables.scss
stylesheet with a scoped data attribute or class name.
For example, below we've created the beginnings of a blue theme:
// Example blue theme
[data-theme="blue"] {
--body-bg: var(--blue);
--body-color: #fff;
Then, apply the theme by adding data-theme="blue"
to the <html>
You can create a file _data/navigation.yml
to configure links to some pages. For example,
- title: Blog
url: /
- title: About
url: /about/
You can set your own cover image by modifying the cover_image
variable in _config.yml
, and you can also set different cover images on different pages by setting the cover_image
variable on each page.
If you discover that the contrast between the cover text color and the cover background color is not enough, you can also adjust these two variables:
cover_bg_color: rgb(40, 73, 77)
cover_color: rgb(255, 255, 255)
You can set your social links in _data/social.yml
. You can custom titles, URLs, and icons (only support Font Awesome currently), for example:
- title: Email
url: mailto://[email protected]
icon: fas fa-envelope
- title: Twitter
icon: fab fa-twitter
- title: GitHub
icon: fab fa-github
Not Pure Poole supports posts archive by date, categories, and tags. For enabling that, you should put some data like below into _data/archive.yml
- type: dates
title: Dates
url: /dates/
- type: categories
title: Categories
url: /categories/
- type: tags
title: Tags
url: /tags/
After that, the navigation to these archive pages would be shown on the top of the homepage.
Then, you can create a category archive page, and set the below parameters on that page:
layout: archive-taxonomies
type: categories
Or a tag archive page:
layout: archive-taxonomies
type: tags
Or archive by dates:
layout: archive-dates
If you want to show the TOC of a page on the right side, just set toc: true
on that page.
If you want to write mathematics on a page, just set math: true
on that page to enable MathJax.
Just hack into the code and see what you can get.
To set up your environment to develop this theme, run bundle install
Your theme is setup just like a normal Jekyll site! To test your theme, run bundle exec jekyll serve
and open your browser at http://localhost:4000
. This starts a Jekyll server using your theme. Add pages, documents, data, etc. like normal to test your theme's contents. As you make modifications to your theme and to your content, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh, just like normal.
When your theme is released, only the files in _layouts
, _includes
, _sass
and assets
tracked with Git will be bundled.
To add a custom directory to your theme-gem, please edit the regexp in not-pure-poole.gemspec
The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.