Use an Arduino to present various sensor readings on a legacy Dallas 1-Wire bus. Primarily designed to interface with Loxone, but could work with other systems too.
Currently provided:
- MQ135 presented as single DS18B20.
- SHT31 temperature & humidity with 1 minute deltas presented as single DS2438.
Note: OneWireHub DS2438 emulation with Loxone was fixed with PR #97. Until that is merged, use this alternate branch of the OneWireHub library:
- DS1822: 1 x 12 bit
- DS18B20: 1 x 12 bit
- DS18S20: 1 x 9 bit
- DS2438: 1 x 13 bit (0-8191), 1 x 11 bit (0-2048), 2 x 10 bit (0-1023)