plugin-yml is a simple Gradle plugin that generates the plugin.yml
plugin description file for Bukkit plugins,
for Bungee plugins or nukkit.yml
for Nukkit plugins based on the Gradle project. Various properties
are set automatically (e.g. project name, version or description) and additional properties can be added using a
simple DSL.
plugin-yml requires at least Gradle 7.4. Using the latest version of Gradle is recommended.
If you are using an older version of Gradle, try using an older version of plugin-yml as well.
plugin-yml 0.5.2
still supports Gradle 5.0+.
Property | Value |
Plugin name | Project name |
Plugin version | Project version |
Plugin description | Project description |
Plugin URL (Bukkit only) | url project property |
Plugin author | author project property |
plugins {
id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit' version '0.5.3'
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
library '' // All platforms
bukkitLibrary '' // Bukkit only
bukkit {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = 'TestPlugin'
// version = '1.0'
// description = 'This is a test plugin'
// website = ''
// author = 'Notch'
// Plugin main class (required)
main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin'
// API version (should be set for 1.13+)
apiVersion = '1.13'
// Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional)
load = 'STARTUP' // or 'POSTWORLD'
authors = ['Notch', 'Notch2']
depend = ['WorldEdit']
softDepend = ['Essentials']
loadBefore = ['BrokenPlugin']
prefix = 'TEST'
defaultPermission = 'OP' // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP'
provides = ['TestPluginOldName', 'TestPlug']
commands {
test {
description = 'This is a test command!'
aliases = ['t']
permission = 'testplugin.test'
usage = 'Just run the command!'
// permissionMessage = 'You may not test this command!'
// ...
permissions {
'testplugin.*' {
children = ['testplugin.test'] // Defaults permissions to true
// You can also specify the values of the permissions
childrenMap = ['testplugin.test': false]
'testplugin.test' {
description = 'Allows you to run the test command'
setDefault('OP') // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP'
plugins {
id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit") version "0.5.3"
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
library(kotlin("stdlib")) // All platforms
library("", "gson", "2.8.7") // All platforms
bukkitLibrary("", "gson", "2.8.7") // Bukkit only
bukkit {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = "TestPlugin"
// version = "1.0"
// description = "This is a test plugin"
// website = ""
// author = "Notch"
// Plugin main class (required)
main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin"
// API version (should be set for 1.13+)
apiVersion = "1.13"
// Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional)
load = BukkitPluginDescription.PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP // or POSTWORLD
authors = listOf("Notch", "Notch2")
depend = listOf("WorldEdit")
softDepend = listOf("Essentials")
loadBefore = listOf("BrokenPlugin")
prefix = "TEST"
defaultPermission = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP
provides = listOf("TestPluginOldName", "TestPlug")
commands {
register("test") {
description = "This is a test command!"
aliases = listOf("t")
permission = "testplugin.test"
usage = "Just run the command!"
// permissionMessage = "You may not test this command!"
// ...
permissions {
register("testplugin.*") {
children = listOf("testplugin.test") // Defaults permissions to true
// You can also specify the values of the permissions
childrenMap = mapOf("testplugin.test" to true)
register("testplugin.test") {
description = "Allows you to run the test command"
default = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP
Paperplugins do not support library loading like spigot does.
Instead, libraries and repositories need to be defined via a PluginLoader implementation inside your plugin.
To give you access to repositories and dependencies marked as paperLibrary
the plugin can create two classes called Libraries
and Repos
To create those classes set generateLibClass
and generateReposClass
to true.
Those classes are enums and provide all listed repositories and dependencies to you.
Build your plugin once to generate them.
You can reference them inside the code afterwards.
Repositories will be named via their defined names.
If you do not define a name they will be named MAVENX where x is a number counting up.
It is highly recommended to give your repositories a name if you want to use them directly.
An example Loader
implementation could look like this:
public class Loader implements PluginLoader {
public void classloader(@NotNull PluginClasspathBuilder classpathBuilder) {
MavenLibraryResolver resolver = new MavenLibraryResolver();
for (Libraries lib : Libraries.values()) resolver.addDependency(lib.asDependency());
for (Repos repo : Repos.values()) resolver.addRepository(repo.asRepo());
plugins {
id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.paper' version '0.5.3'
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
library '' // All platforms
paperLibrary '' // Bukkit only
paper {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = 'TestPlugin'
// version = '1.0'
// description = 'This is a test plugin'
// website = ''
// author = 'Notch'
// Plugin main class (required)
main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin'
// Generate Library class
generateLibClass = true
// Generate Repos class
generateReposClass = true
// The package where Repos and Libraries class are stored
generatedPackageName = 'com.example.testplugin'
// API version (Needs to be 1.19 or higher)
apiVersion = '1.19'
// Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional)
load = 'STARTUP' // or 'POSTWORLD'
authors = ['Notch', 'Notch2']
depends {
'WorldEdit' {
required : true
bootstrap: true
'Essentials' {
loadBefore {
'BrokenPlugin' {
bootstrap: true
prefix = 'TEST'
defaultPermission = 'OP' // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP'
provides = ['TestPluginOldName', 'TestPlug']
commands {
test {
description = 'This is a test command!'
aliases = ['t']
permission = 'testplugin.test'
usage = 'Just run the command!'
// permissionMessage = 'You may not test this command!'
// ...
permissions {
'testplugin.*' {
children = ['testplugin.test'] // Defaults permissions to true
// You can also specify the values of the permissions
childrenMap = ['testplugin.test': false]
'testplugin.test' {
description = 'Allows you to run the test command'
setDefault('OP') // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP'
plugins {
id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.paper") version "0.5.3"
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
library(kotlin("stdlib")) // All platforms
library("", "gson", "2.8.7") // All platforms
paperLibrary("", "gson", "2.8.7") // Bukkit only
bukkit {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = "TestPlugin"
// version = "1.0"
// description = "This is a test plugin"
// website = ""
// author = "Notch"
// Plugin main class (required)
main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin"
// Generate Library class
generateLibClass = true
// Generate Repos class
generateReposClass = true
// The package where Repos and Libraries class are stored
generatedPackageName = "com.example.testplugin"
// API version (Needs to be 1.19 or higher)
apiVersion = "1.19"
// Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional)
load = PaperPluginDescription.PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP // or POSTWORLD
authors = listOf("Notch", "Notch2")
depends {
// Required dependency
register("WorldEdit") {
required = true
bootstrap = true
// Optional dependency
register("Essentials") {
loadBefore {
register("BrokenPlugin") {
bootstrap = true
prefix = "TEST"
defaultPermission = PaperPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP
provides = listOf("TestPluginOldName", "TestPlug")
commands {
register("test") {
description = "This is a test command!"
aliases = listOf("t")
permission = "testplugin.test"
usage = "Just run the command!"
// permissionMessage = "You may not test this command!"
// ...
permissions {
register("testplugin.*") {
children = listOf("testplugin.test") // Defaults permissions to true
// You can also specify the values of the permissions
childrenMap = mapOf("testplugin.test" to true)
register("testplugin.test") {
description = "Allows you to run the test command"
default = PaperPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP
plugins {
id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bungee' version '0.5.3'
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
library '' // All platforms
bungeeLibrary '' // Bungee only
bungee {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = 'TestPlugin'
// version = '1.0'
// description = 'This is a test plugin'
// Plugin main class (required)
main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin'
// Other possible properties from bungee.yml
author = 'Notch'
depends = ['Yamler']
softDepends = ['ServerListPlus']
plugins {
id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bungee") version "0.5.3"
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
library(kotlin("stdlib")) // All platforms
library("", "gson", "2.8.7") // All platforms
bungeeLibrary("", "gson", "2.8.7") // Bungee only
bungee {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = "TestPlugin"
// version = "1.0"
// description = "This is a test plugin"
// Plugin main class (required)
main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin"
// Other possible properties from bungee.yml
author = "Notch"
depends = setOf("Yamler")
softDepends = setOf("ServerListPlus")
plugins {
id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.nukkit' version '0.5.3'
nukkit {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = 'TestPlugin'
// version = '1.0'
// description = 'This is a test plugin'
// website = ''
// author = 'Notch'
// Plugin main class and api (required)
main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin'
api = ['1.0.0']
// Other possible properties from nukkit.yml (optional)
load = 'STARTUP' // or 'POSTWORLD'
authors = ['Notch', 'Notch2']
depend = ['PlotSquared']
softDepend = ['LuckPerms']
loadBefore = ['BrokenPlugin']
prefix = 'TEST'
commands {
test {
description = 'This is a test command!'
aliases = ['t']
permission = 'testplugin.test'
usage = 'Just run the command!'
// ...
permissions {
'testplugin.*' {
description = 'Allows you to run all testplugin commands'
children {
'testplugin.test' {
description = 'Allows you to run the test command'
setDefault('OP') // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP'
plugins {
id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.nukkit") version "0.5.3"
nukkit {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = "TestPlugin"
// version = "1.0"
// description = "This is a test plugin"
// website = ""
// author = "Notch"
// Plugin main class and api (required)
main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin"
api = listOf("1.0.0")
// Other possible properties from nukkit.yml (optional)
load = NukkitPluginDescription.PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP // or POSTWORLD
authors = listOf("Notch", "Notch2")
depend = listOf("PlotSquared")
softDepend = listOf("LuckPerms")
loadBefore = listOf("BrokenPlugin")
prefix = "TEST"
commands {
register("test") {
description = "This is a test command!"
aliases = listOf("t")
permission = "testplugin.test"
usage = "Just run the command!"
// ...
permissions {
register("testplugin.*") {
description = "Allows you to run all testplugin commands"
children {
register("testplugin.test") {
description = "Allows you to run the test command"
default = NukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP