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bbenezech edited this page Nov 9, 2011 · 6 revisions

If a asset_uid column is found, it will be hidden (along with the optional asset_name column) and a field :asset, :dragonfly will be created.

Due to the 'fire and forget' nature of Dragonfly and the obfuscated uid, RailsAdmin cannot always infere if asset is an image or not (show thumbnails or links?).

It will try to read asset_name to see the extension for a smart guess. If absent, it will try to generate a thumbnail.

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  image_accessor :asset
  # don't forget those if you use :attr_accessible (delete method and form caching method are provided by Dragonfly and used by RailsAdmin)
  attr_accessible :asset, :remove_asset, :retained_asset
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