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Learn Docker in 7 Easy Steps - Beginner's Tutorial by

Credits / Notes taken from:


Table of Contents:

Docker is just a way to package software (applications) so it can run on any hardware. So the app will work on every machine (eg. the Docker container will take care of every dependency that the app is using, either Node libraries with specific versions, or even Linux libraries with a specific version).

Docker is an open source software platform to create, deploy and manage virtualized application containers on a common operating system (definition by techtarget).

  • A Dockerfile is a blueprint for building Docker images. This Dockerfile will define the "environment" for the application
  • A Docker image is a template for running Docker containers. Every developer can use the Dockerfile to rebuild the image for that "environment" (an image is an immutable snapshot of that environment where the app is running)
  • A Docker container is just a running process

Note: Images can be uploaded to the cloud in public or private registries (just like GitHub repos). Then, every developer can pull the image down from the Docker cloud to create a container (container = a running process of that image).

Docker Beginner's Tutorial by Fireship


For Windows, install Docker Desktop. This will install everything needed for the command line (CLI) and also a GUI to inspect the running containers, logs and more.

For Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) follow the steps mentioned here (also available for Fedora/Arch).

Some Docker commands:

  • docker --help to see all Docker commands, and docker <command> --help to see help/options for specific commands
docker --help

# or to see help for specific docker command
docker image --help
docker container --help
docker volume --help
  • docker ps gives you a list with the running containers on current system (PC). Every container has an unique ID and a link to an image.
docker ps
  • docker image / docker container / docker volume to manage images/containers/volumes
# Remove unused images
docker image prune

# Remove all stopped containers
docker container prune

# Remove unused local volumes
docker volume prune

Docker commands cheat sheets:


In the app's project folder (eg. for a Node.js application like this one here, or my angular app from Traversy Media crash course), create a Dockerfile file (without any file extension).

  • The first instruction in our Dockerfile is FROM that sets the baseImage for our environment, eg.: ubuntu and its variations of ubuntu, or any other operating system. For the baseImage, we will use an official node:16 image that contains a machine that already has Node.js installed.

  • With WORKDIR instruction we set the app's directory on that environment (just like when we cd ./app into our app in a Linux like virtual machine): WORKDIR /app

  • Now we are installing the dependencies first (so they will be cached) in order to not reinstall the Node modules every time we change our source code => we use the COPY instruction that takes two arguments: source and dest:

    • the source argument is for our local package.json for our Node app
    • the dest argument is for the place we want to copy it in the container (which the current working directory)
  • Now we can "run" the npm install command by using the RUN npm install instruction

  • (Optional) we can also run a command for a specific application, eg. Angular: RUN npm install -g @angular/cli

  • Now that we have our modules installes, we can copy our source code by copying all of our local files (in the current project on our machine) to the container's working directory: COPY . . => 🟠 however, if we do this directly, it will create a problem: we will also copy the node_modules directory that we already copied/installed in our Docker container (with the previous RUN npm install instruction) and it will be overriden => we need create a .dockerignore file and add node_modules in it.

  • Good, so far we have the source code for our app and the node_modules folder that'll be found in the Docker container

  • Now we need to set an environment variable (eg. for the port that the app will be running on) with ENV PORT=8080 (or the app's port). And then we also expose the port with EXPOSE 8080

  • Now, we will have the last COMMAND (CMD) instruction (that can be only one per Dockerfile) that tells the container how to actually run the application, which starts a process to serve the Node application: CMD [ "npm", "start" ]. Note that this command (unlike RUN instruction), this CMD command takes in an array of the words for that command.

For our Angular App from this angular-crash-course repository, the Dockerfile will look like this:

FROM node:16


COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

RUN npm install -g @angular/cli

COPY . .



CMD ["ng", "serve", "--host="]

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

🔵 Note that we will run the development server for this Angular app, not the production one (that involves the npm build command and COPYing the files from the dist folder to the conetainer, like in this article)!

Useful other resources / notes:

Build a Docker image

(Saturday, August 27, 2022)

To build a Docker image, we need to run the docker build command.

  • We will give the image a tag (-t), which is a tagname of this image so we can remember easy it
    • the tagname will contain the username from Docker Hub - we can create an account for free
    • followed by a name what we want to call our image, eg. myusername/demoapp:1.0 (we can also add a version number)
    • and also, at the end of this command we need to add the path to the Dockerfile (in our case is just a . because we run the command from the project's folder that contains the Dockerfile)
docker build -t myusername/angularapp:1.0 .

We can check the image that has been build within Docker Desktop application:

Docker Beginner's Tutorial by Fireship

Run Container locally

We can run the image that has been build with the docker run with the image id or the tagname as parameter.

# View images IDs
docker image ls

# Run container
docker run 9ceabb5cffa5

If we do not encounter any errors, we should see our container running:

Docker Beginner's Tutorial by Fireship

Port forwarding

🟠 However, if we open up the browser and go to http://localhost:4200 (our exposed port), we can't reach that site => we need to add some more arguments the docker run command, by using the -p flag to implement port forwarding from the docker container to our local machine:

  • the -p flag will have the localPort:containerPort parameter (port from local machine on the left side, container's port that'll be forwarded to local port on the right side)
docker run -p 4200:4200 9ceabb5cffa5

# or if we want to forward multiple ports, just use -p multiple times
docker run -p 4200:4200 -p 5000:5000 9ceabb5cffa5

  • you can also give a name to the container
docker run --name angular_app_container -p 4200:4200 9ceabb5cffa5

Here's all of our commands so far:

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

Now, in our case, we can see our Angular App running (on development server), on http://localhost:4200:

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

🔵 Note, to stop the previous running container:

# View list of running containers
docker ps

# Copy the container id (or the first digits)

# Stop the container
docker stop 2794cfc4435a

# Remove the container
docker rm 2794cfc4435a

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

🔵 Note, when we open http://localhost:4200/, we might encounter localhost didn’t send any data. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error. For this, we would need to actually serve our node app to address instead of (localhost) => so the command for Dockerfile will be CMD ["ng", "serve", "--host="] . More details here.

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

Also note that for external node server (such as dummy pre-made back-end service (REST API), like JSON Server npm - a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds), we also need to add --host in the command for that service (in order to fully expose the service port from Docker to our local machine):

  "name": "angular-crash-course",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "build": "ng build",
    "watch": "ng build --watch --configuration development",
    "test": "ng test",
    "server": "json-server --watch db.json --port 5000 --host"

Useful other resources / notes:

Docker debugging

  • To see the logs from our running container, run:
# View running containers
docker ps

# Copy the docker id, eg. aaa5c96fd2

# View logs from that container (with -f from follow)
docker logs -f aaa5c96fd2

# docker exec <containerId> COMMAND
docker exec aaa5c96fd2 ls

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

  • Or you can enter in the interactive shell with -i (Keep STDIN open even if not attached) and -t flags (Allocate a pseudo-TTY):
docker exec -it aaa5c96fd2 /bin/sh

# Run Linux commands

# Type exit to exit

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

Docker compose

Docker only allows us to have one process per container. If our app runs multiple services (on multiple ports, eg. 4200 and 5000), with only one Docker container we can't run all of the services.

For example, if our entire Application has a back-end (exposed on port 5000) and a front-end (exposed on port 4200), we need to use create and configure a docker-compose.yml file to run multiple Docker containers at the same time.

Another application example that needs docker-compose: a SpringBoot app as a REST API (as one service) that also needs a MySQL database to store the data (as another service).

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

Maybe useful link: Dockerize a Node.js Application for development with docker-compose.


Let's create a docker-compose.yml file in the root of our project.

  • Inside this yml file, we have a services object, where each key (service) in that object represents a different container that we want to run (Note that each key will actually be the service/container name).

  • Each service (key inside services object) will have a build key that needs to point to its Dockerfile file. 🔵 Note, if we have multiple Dockerfile files, we can place them in different locations, such as ./docker/frontend/Dockerfile and ./docker/backend/Dockerfile (More details here)...

    • Or instead of using different file locations for our multiple Dockerfile files, we can just rename them like Dockerfile.frontend and Dockerfile.backend
    • And, the build key/object will have two properties: context key with the location of the Dockerfile, and dockerfile key with the name of the Dockerfile (eg. Dockerfile.backend)
  • Each service will also have a ports key with - "localPort:containerPort (port from local machine on the left side, container's port that'll be forwarded to local port on the right side)


  • Our Dockerfile for front-end
FROM node:16


COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

RUN npm install -g @angular/cli

COPY . .



CMD ["sh", "-c", "ng serve --host="]
FROM node:16


COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .



CMD ["npm", "run", "server"]
  • Our docker-compose.yml file
version: "3"
    build: .
      - "4200:4200"
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.json_server
      - "5000:5000"

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

Docker-compose commands

Finally, we can start all the containers at once by running docker-compose up command.

docker compose up

# or use --no-deps flag to rebuild images that might've been modified
docker compose up --no-deps

🔵 Note: you can also use docker compose up (newer version) instead of docker-compose up (old version). See more here.

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

And we can see our "services" running (namely our front-end app on http://localhost:4200/ and our back-end JSON server on http://localhost:5000/)!

Docker Beginner's Tutorial

Unlike docker run command, here (in the terminal that we ran docker compose up) if we press CTRL+C we will actually stop all docker containers. However, this command will not remove those containers (will be still be kept in memory), so we need to run docker-compose down.

docker compose down

If we had any volumes associated with these containers, we add -v (volumes) command.

docker compose down -v

To remove both built Docker images via command line

# View images and their IDs
docker images -a

# Remove both images by their IDs
docker rmi <angular_appImageID>
docker rmi <json_serverImageID>