- Proposed via rabbitmq/tgir#16
- Hosted by @gerhardlazu & @GSantomaggio
- Published on: 2020-12-31
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPuMBB9_MRI
How do you make your RabbitMQ clusters public & secure? Think HTTPS & AMQPS.
What about using a single IP for multiple RabbitMQ clusters?
And what about connection throttling?
Gerhard & Gabriele try out RabbitMQ Cluster Operator v1.3, cert-manager v1.1 & Traefik v2.3 on Digital Ocean Kubernetes v1.19.3.
Topics covered:
- cert-manager with CloudFlare DNS
- SNI in RabbitMQ, PerfTest & Erlang
- Istio as an alternative to Traefik
- cert-manager
- Traefik
- cluster-operator - disableNonTLSListeners
- cluster-operator - Prometheus TLS
- cluster-operator - 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 rolling StatefulSet update?
- RabbitMQ PerfTest - -sni option
- What is SNI?
- RabbitMQ - Using TLS in the Java Client
- Handle two RabbitMQ clusters with ISTIO
all Setup all resources
cert-manager 3. Deploy cert-manager for Let's Encrypt TLS certs
cert-manager-cloudflare 4. Enable rabbitmq.com TLS certs verification
clean Remove all installed resources
cluster-operator 1. Install RabbitMQ Cluster Operator for easy & correct RabbitMQ clusters on K8S
dke Create Digital Ocean Kubernetes (DKE) cluster
dke-ls List DKE clusters
dke-regions Show all regions where DKE can be deployed
dke-rm Delete DKE cluster
dke-sizes Show all size options for DKE nodes
dke-versions Show all size options for DKE nodes
env Configure shell env - eval "$(make env)" OR source .env
k9s Interact with our K8S cluster via a terminal UI
rabbitmq-%-insecure 2. Deploy RabbitMQ cluster with a public IP
rabbitmq-%-insecure-rm Delete RabbitMQ cluster & public IP
rabbitmq-%-secure 6. Deploy a RabbitMQ cluster with secure public IP
rabbitmq-%-secure-perftest 8. Run PerfTest against RabbitMQ cluster secure public IP
rabbitmq-%-secure-perftest-rm Delete PerfTest that runs against RabbitMQ cluster secure public IP
rabbitmq-%-secure-rm Delete RabbitMQ cluster
traefik 5. Install Traefik
traefik-%-ingress 7. Deploy HTTPS and AMQPS Traefik ingress
traefik-%-ingress-rm Deploy HTTPS and AMQPS Traefik ingress
traefik-rm Remove Traefik