We added and updated the citation information of the package.
This is a resubmission of the spectre package.
We have manually rewritten RcppExports.cpp to account for the Catch2 framework.
This is a resubmission of the spectre package in an updated form. Below is a list of changes made to address each issues from the previous submission:
Issue 1: "memtest" The problem occurred because at one point in the code only the upper triangular matrix was calculated, not the complete matrix. Since the diagonal and the lower triangular matrix have values of "NA", the unsigned integer overflowed. The problem was solved in two places
- the lower triangular matrix and diagonal are now set in the constructor of the C++ class "NA" instead of in the R function.
- the loops in the C++ code iterate only over the upper triangular matrix instead of iterating over the complete matrix and skipping "NA".
We also added a new unit test for this issue.
The problem occurred because we use the Catch2 framework with testthat to test the C++ code (r-lib/testthat#1230). This was fixed as described in the issue by manually adjusting the RcppExports.cpp.
Beyond addressing these issues we have also removed the gdm
package dependency by creating a .RDS file of data to be used in tests and vignettes.
We have retested the package as follows:
- Local
- macOS BigSur, R 4.0.5
- Windows 10 Home, R 4.0.3
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, R 4.0.5
- GitHub Actions
- windows-latest, R: 'release'
- macOS-latest, R: 'release'
- ubuntu-20.04, R: 'release'
- win-builder (release, devel)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 note
- This is an updated resubmission.
This is a second resubmission. Below is a list of changes made to address each comment:
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/spectre/index.html From: README.md Status: 200 Message: OK CRAN URL not in canonical form
Please fix and resubmit.
- The link was updated, to the https canonical form
This is a resubmission. Below is a list of changes made to address each comment:
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: http://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/spectre/index.html (moved to https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/spectre/index.html) From: README.md Status: 200 Message: OK CRAN URL not in canonical form
Canonical: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spectre
Please fix and resubmit.
- The link was updated
Update Version: 1.0.1
Update addresses 2 notes and 1 error discovered by CRAN package check run 2021-05-30 23:49:52 CEST. Solutions to points brought up are listed below:
Check: installed package size Result: NOTE installed size is 6.3Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: libs 5.6Mb
- We further cleaned the package to remove any garbage. Unfortunately, the package is still this note but we believe that any further removals from the package will hamper usability.
Check: dependencies in R code Result: NOTE Namespace in Imports field not imported from: ‘RcppProgress’ All declared Imports should be used.
- We moved ‘RcppProgress’ from "Imports" to "Suggests" within the DESCRIPTION.
Check: whether package can be installed Result: ERROR Installation failed. Flavor: r-patched-solaris-x86
- This error is produced due to problems between Solaris and testthat (r-lib/testthat#1257). To prevent this error we have exluded the unit tests via compiler macros.
This is a resubmission. Below is a list of changes made to address each comment:
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: https://www.tidyverse.org/lifecycle/#stable (moved to https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html) From: README.md Status: 200 Message: OK
Please change http --> https, add trailing slashes, or follow moved content as appropriate.
- The link was updated
Is there some reference about the method you can add in the Description field in the form Authors (year) doi:.....?
- We added a reference about the method in the Description field
- Local
- macOS BigSur, R 4.0.5
- Windows 10 Home, R 4.0.3
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, R 4.0.5
- GitHub Actions
- windows-latest, R: 'release'
- macOS-latest, R: 'release'
- ubuntu-20.04, R: 'release'
- win-builder (release, devel)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 note
- This is a new release.
There are currently no reverse dependencies.