diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index 85831dc9..57b7a99b 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Version: 0.6 Authors@R: c( person("Joe", "Cheng", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "joe@rstudio.com"), person(family = "RStudio", role = "cph"), - person("Marcus", "Geelnard", role = c("ctb", "cph"), comment = "TinyThread library, http://tinythreadpp.bitsnbites.eu/") + person("Marcus", "Geelnard", role = c("ctb", "cph"), comment = "TinyCThread library, https://tinycthread.github.io/"), + person("Evan", "Nemerson", role = c("ctb", "cph"), comment = "TinyCThread library, https://tinycthread.github.io/") ) Description: Executes arbitrary R or C functions some time after the current time, after the R execution stack has emptied.