This tutorial uses Dremio Community Edition v22.0.0 or above as the back-end Arrow-Flight server. Please follow the following steps:
Set up a linux environment, such as Ubuntu 14.04+ with Java SE 8 (JDK 1.8) or Java SE 11 (JDK 1.11);
Download the latest Dremio Community Edition here. Make sure it is v21.2.0 or above. Unzip the tar file to /opt/dremio;
Download Apache Spark v3.2.1 or above from here. Unzip the tar file to /opt/spark.
Edit ~/.bashrc by adding the following line at the end of the file:
export PATH=/opt/dremio/bin:/opt/spark/bin:$PATH
Run the following command:
source ~/.bashrc
Start the Dremio server by running the following command:
dremio start
In a browser, browse to to open the Dremio Web Console. If this is your first time, you are required to create an admin user:
- User-Name: test
- Password: Password@123
Open the SQL Runner on the Dremio Web UI, and run the following query to make sure all iceberg entries are set correctly:
SELECT name, bool_val, num_val FROM sys.options WHERE name like '%iceberg%'
The following properties should be set to true:
dremio.iceberg.enabled = true dremio.iceberg.dml.enabled = true dremio.iceberg.ctas.enabled = true dremio.iceberg.time_travel.enabled = true
If any above property is not set to true, please execute the following commands in the SQL Runner to enable iceberg:
alter system set dremio.iceberg.enabled = true; alter system set dremio.iceberg.dml.enabled = true; alter system set dremio.iceberg.ctas.enabled = true; alter system set dremio.iceberg.time_travel.enabled = true;
Launch spark-shell
# create the data folder first mkdir -p /tmp/data # make sure the spark-flight-connector-1.0.jar is copied to the current directory # launch spark-sql. spark-shell --packages org.apache.iceberg:iceberg-spark-runtime-3.2_2.12:0.13.2 --jars ./spark-flight-connector_3.2.1-1.0.0.jar \ --conf spark.sql.catalog.iceberg_catalog=org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog \ --conf spark.sql.catalog.iceberg_catalog.type=hadoop --conf spark.sql.catalog.iceberg_catalog.warehouse=file:///tmp/data
In spark-shell, run the following code to create the iceberg database and make it the current database:
sql("create database iceberg_catalog.iceberg_db") sql("use iceberg_catalog.iceberg_db")
Create the customer table:
sql("create table iceberg_customers(customer_id bigint not null, created_date string not null, company_name string, contact_person string, contact_phone string, active boolean) using iceberg;") sql("show tables").show(false) // make sure the customer table has been created
Insert a few records into the customers table
sql("insert into iceberg_customers values(3001, '2019-12-15', 'ABC Manufacturing', 'Jay Douglous', '123-xxx-1212', true)") sql("insert into iceberg_customers values(3002, '2018-12-14', 'My Pharma Corp.', 'Jessica Smith', '123-xxx-3652', true)") sql("insert into iceberg_customers values(3003, '2014-12-17', 'My Investors, Inc.', 'Chris Pandha', '123-xxx-6845', true)") sql("insert into iceberg_customers values(3004, '2013-12-15', 'XYZ Life Insurance, Inc.', 'Foster Ling', '123-xxx-9487', true)") //make sure the records have been inserted sql("select * from iceberg_customers").show(false)
Go back to the Dremio Web UI, and create a source pointing to /tmp/data.
- Open
- Sign in with test/Password@123
- Click on the Datasets icon in the top-left corner on the page, then click on the + button at right of "Data Lakes" link in the left-bottom corner of the page
- On the "Add Data Lake" window, pick NAS, then type:
- Name: local-iceberg
- Mount-Path: /tmp/data
- Click the Save button
Click the local_iceberg source to show the iceberg_customers table; hover your mouse over the iceberg_customer item, and then click on the "Format Folder" button. Dremio will automatically detects the iceberg format. Click Save to save the format.
Open SQL Runner, and run the following SQL statements:
select * from "local-iceberg"."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers" -- make sure all pre-inserted records showing up -- insert a new record insert into "local-iceberg"."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers"(customer_id, created_date, company_name, contact_person, contact_phone, active) values(3005, '2022-05-11', 'My Foods Inc.', 'Judy Smith', '416-xxx-2212', 'true') -- make sure the new record has been added select * from "local-iceberg"."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers"
Go back to spark-shell, and run the following code:
val df ="flight") .option("host", "").option("port", "32010").option("user", "test").option("password", "Password@12345") .option("table", """"local-iceberg"."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers"""") .load //to show the records from the table
Truncate the table, then run an insert:
val df ="flight") .option("host", "").option("port", "32010").option("user", "test").option("password", "Password@12345") .option("table", """"local-iceberg"."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers"""") .load //to show the records from the table //overwrite df.withColumn("customer_id", col("customer_id") + 90000) .write.format("flight") .option("host", "").option("port", "32010").option("user", "test").option("password", "Password@12345") .option("table", """"local-iceberg"."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers"""") .mode("overwrite").save()
Then go to the Dremio web-ui to check if new data has been inserted with the new customer IDs.
Run the following merge by:
val df ="flight") .option("host", "").option("port", "32010").option("user", "test").option("password", "Password@12345") .option("table", """test."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers"""") .load // to show the records from the table // merge-by df.withColumn("customer_id", when(col("customer_id") % 3 === lit(0), col("customer_id") + 90000).otherwise(col("customer_id"))) .withColumn("created_date", current_date()) .withColumn("company", when(col("company") === lit("ABC Manufacturing"), lit("Central Bank")).otherwise(col("company"))) .write.format("flight") .option("host", "").option("port", "32010").option("user", "test").option("password", "Password@12345") .option("table", """test."iceberg_db"."iceberg_customers"""") .option("merge.byColumn", "customer_id") .mode("append").save()
Then go to the Dremio web-ui to check data changes.