Eric J. Rees
- In the ELM code presented with the Biophys J paper (2015), there was no problem with the software outputting significant numbers of aspect ratio estimates (listFittedAR) which were < 1. The aspect ratio is intended to be b/a, with semimajor axis length b and semiminor axis length a. In the (2015) ELM code, the initial guess of orientation was obtained from regionprops(), with an ad hoc thresholding method, and was a good guess, so only very bad fits flipped aspect ratio from >1 to <1. In the new ELM code, the initial guess of orientation is not from regionprops (i.e. it doesn't use the same method) and often gets the aspect ratio flipped to <1. This means the 'orientation' is out by 90 degrees, and attempts to calculate the equivalent sphere radius as = (a^2 b)^(1/3) go wrong, because a and b are flipped compared to the way we may expect to find them. This problem should be fixed by:
- implementing a better initial guess of orientation, and/or
- implementing a check to fix flipped axis lengths (and orientations should be flipped by 90 degrees, or actually pi/2 radians at the same time).
- Note that the new 'fast fitting method' using lsqcurvefit as an initial fitting step is actually so good it doens't need a good orientation guess from regionprops in order to get good fits. The problem seems to be that it is able to explore orientation and aspect ratio ranges much more widely and can switch the long- and short-axes in a way that was not anticipated in the original method.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- Have put in the check to flip values if the fitted aspect ratio is less than unity. This is in 'elm_ellipsoid_analysis'.
- Still need to do the orientation estimate from regionprops().
Need to fix the data array output, so that simple Matlab arrays of numbers are available for students to play with. (Alternatively, the listedFittedRadii arrays might be provided as single row arrays.) Also add an array for just the column headers, for reference, if not saving individual lists
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- note should fix csv to include headers.
- but cell2mat(fits(2:end) ) extracts the array of values, and fits{1} extracts the headers, and programmers can use this, given instructions in user guide. Most users will probably just read the csv, which should include headers.
- Have implemented a hardcoded fprintf header, and dlmwrite for both spherical and ellipsoidal code.
- Need to edit Aspect Ratio to match header in ellipsoid -
Need to add a reconstruction algorithm to produce a visualisation to compare with the raw image data. Possibly add a button to the advanced GUI for this -- or add a script that takes data from fits{} and also perhaps from rawImParams{}.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- Could add a function fsa.tile_reconstruction(sr_segments, fits) to assign the generated recons to each position in real space. Will need to check orientation works. Disentangling cell arrays from this may be tricky.
- Problem (?). sr_image = fsa.image_ellipsoid_biased() seems not to scale the canvas size. I'd prefer this for a full reconstruction. This could be ignored for now, and a full scaled_sr_image() and tile_scaled_reconstruction() could be added later.
- added a basic tile_reconstruction for the ellipsoid model but need to improve fitting a bit now.
- Need to add tile reconstruction for spherical model.
Consider shifting all parameter arrays to match the new reconstruction code (b1 array) rather than shuffling the b0 parameter array.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- Make sure parameter arrays match, as far as possible, for spheres and ellipsoids, to make sure outputs are consistent. This will make it easier to feed the results into reconstruction code.
Note that the enforced limit on psfVar at 9 (pix^2) may be biasing fitted radii. But this limit was enforced to prevent mis-fitting. Try improving initial guess of psfVar before running relaxing this limit.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- Changed limit to 16 in 'fit_ellipsoid_ejr_unmod'
Fix colour scale on panel of segmented images.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- done for ellipsoids in 'elm_ellipsoidal_analysis'
- done (copy of above) in 'elm_spherical_analysis'
- Used try/catch for both in case cell array reshaping ever breaks
- Done, EJR, 1 Dec 2016
Write instructions for IIB student / collaborator post-processing of results, and possibly edit the saved output to make this analysis easier.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- Writing this at the end of
Default parameters in new GUI should be loaded on program startup rather than needing to be applied in the advanced GUI panel.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- Done. 1 Dec 2016. Uses setappdata() and getappdata().
- Consider switching from cell arrays to structures (or just arrays) for objects like shell_segments. (Longer term.)
- Probably sensible - but longer term
- Add (..., 'Sensitivity', value) to imfindcircles in find_circular_shells and make controllable. Default seems to be 0.85 currently - keep this default, but load explicitly on program start.
- identified 29 Nov 2016
- Done, as default 0.85 sensitivity on startup, and editable and re-defaultable in advanced settings panel. 1 Dec 2016
- Write a reconstruction script that takes (fits, im_size, segment_half_size, scale_factor) as inputs.
- Include nice scaling, and possibly number_of_fluorophores.
- Why is the sample data RGB colour, not 16 bit gray?
- In some places, this means it is necessary to take care when generating thing such as a reconstruction of size(image_data) as this should be intended to be monochrome but can end up being RGB.
- Do we need to include a 'flatten' option to convert RGB input to gray.
- Really, we should try to capture 16 bit data! Micromanager does this fine!
- Put in checkbox option to bring back debugging images.
- It is hard to check that orientation fitting works properly without these.
- Trying to do this debugging inside a parfor loop seems to be an absolute horror!!!
- Probably it is easier to write a replacement script for debugging - try super-imposing candidate numbers on segment image to help select one for debugging.
- Resized GUI for correct display on Windows.
- Done 2 Dec 2016. Not sure what it will look like on an Apple.
- Put in extra radiobutton for the ellipsoid fit that uses lsqcurvefit.
- Or not, as I can't get it to work at the moment.
- Note, ellipsoid fitting with ejr_unmod is actually really slow when trying to debug image analysis of large spores
- just copy the ELM function, replace parfor i=1:n with a specific number, and feed it all the same input arguments (setting loads of input arguments might be easier if they are all captured as elm_parameters or something)
Put in a thing to save 'raw_data_parameters'
elm_parameters = [etc.] % all inputs % then elm_bodge(elm_parameters) % to run non-parallel script
- Need to adjust the iterative search step sizes in ejr_unmod when trying to fit images with large (exosporium) shells. Probably need to include these in advanced GUI.
- Edited radius step size search to start at 1, not 0.75]
- Give advanced GUI a persistent memory for parameters that have been set, rather than over-writing with defaults on each reopening.
- Done
- Save segmentation image with boxes and candidate numbers into results folder.
- Done.
- For larger spores (or lens with higher NA), we may need to incorporate the ellipsoidal PSF model (i.e. use about 1/11 effect of z position) into the ellipsoid image simulation. This was needed for larger cylindrical structures, and may be needed in the case of larger ellipsoids.
- Visually, this makes the simulated image core brighter.
- On testing, this doesn't help (at least unless the psd variance cap is 11 or higher. Maybe it does with a cap of about 7 close to the physical expectation?) -- It does. PArked on variance cap of 7, but including (1/11) z^2 contribution to distance.
- Really need to bring back debugging images.
Change rejection sampling to brightness modulation.
May need to switch rule from least squares to something more physical.
Dear Adam,
Attached is a quick cropped image from a 2-colour analysis using our ELM method. It is from the green exosporium / red polysaccharide image data.
It is taking me a bit longer to adapt the ELM software for 2-colour than I'd hoped, but I should be able to improve on this a bit - the
Edits to work on processing two colour data.
Note that, if fitting is done with the PSF variance not constrained to the relatively low values of a good fit, then fits with a large PSF variance can be culled in a later quality control step and this seems to provide a good way of excluding overlapping images and poor fits.