diff --git a/Data.Simulate.AQUATOX/AQ_Sim_2D.cs b/Data.Simulate.AQUATOX/AQ_Sim_2D.cs
index 1357b9ef..d95ca636 100644
--- a/Data.Simulate.AQUATOX/AQ_Sim_2D.cs
+++ b/Data.Simulate.AQUATOX/AQ_Sim_2D.cs
@@ -1467,12 +1467,14 @@ public string PopulateStreamNetwork(int iSeg, string setupjson, out string jsond
/// Number of upstream inputs
/// Data structure of archived inputs from which to gather model results
/// if true passes mass, if false, passes the water concentration which can be done if water models may differ between segments e.g. reservoir to stream
+ /// a list containing the sum of the previous flows linked to this segment for each time step. Needed for weighted averaging.
/// a list of any additional divergence flows from source segment (flows not to this segment), for the complete set of time-steps of the simulation in m3/s
/// errors, warnings
- public string Pass_Data(AQTSim Sim, int SrcID, int ninputs, bool passMass, archived_results AR = null, List >> divergence_flows = null)
+ public string Pass_Data(AQTSim Sim, int SrcID, int ninputs, bool passMass, ref SortedList previous_flows, archived_results AR = null, List >> divergence_flows = null)
//archived_results AR;
- if (AR == null) // (AR.Equals(null)) crashed
+ if (AR == null)
archive.TryGetValue(SrcID, out AR);
if (AR == null)
@@ -1482,7 +1484,7 @@ public string Pass_Data(AQTSim Sim, int SrcID, int ninputs, bool passMass, archi
SN.waterbodies.comid_wb.TryGetValue(SrcID, out SrcID); // translate SrcID to the relevant WBCOMID
archive.TryGetValue(SrcID, out AR);
- if (AR == null) return "WARNING: Segment "+Sim.AQTSeg.StudyName+" is missing expected linkage data from "+SrcID;
+ if (AR == null) return "ERROR: Segment "+Sim.AQTSeg.StudyName+" is missing expected linkage data from "+SrcID;
@@ -1497,28 +1499,29 @@ public string Pass_Data(AQTSim Sim, int SrcID, int ninputs, bool passMass, archi
((TSV.IsPlant()) && ( ((TPlant)TSV).IsPhytoplankton() || (((TPlant)TSV).IsMacrophyte() && (((TPlant)TSV).MacroType == TMacroType.Freefloat))) ) ||
((TSV.IsAnimal()) && ((TAnimal)TSV).IsPlanktonInvert()))
- TVolume tvol = Sim.AQTSeg.GetStatePointer(AllVariables.Volume, T_SVType.StV, T_SVLayer.WaterCol) as TVolume;
+ TVolume tvol = Sim.AQTSeg.GetStatePointer(AllVariables.Volume, T_SVType.StV, T_SVLayer.WaterCol) as TVolume;
int ndates = AR.dates.Count();
- TLoadings flowLoad;
- if (tvol.Calc_Method == VolumeMethType.Manning) flowLoad = tvol.LoadsRec.Alt_Loadings[1]; //manning's input is "discharge load" or [1]
- else flowLoad = tvol.LoadsRec.Alt_Loadings[0]; //[0] is inflow
+ TLoadings flowLoad;
+ if (tvol.Calc_Method == VolumeMethType.Manning) flowLoad = tvol.LoadsRec.Alt_Loadings[1]; //manning's input is "discharge load" or [1]
+ else flowLoad = tvol.LoadsRec.Alt_Loadings[0]; //[0] is inflow
- SortedList newlist = new SortedList();
+ SortedList newlist = new SortedList();
+ if (ninputs == 1) previous_flows = new SortedList(); // first or only loading, start saving flows for weighted averaging with potential future loadings
for (int i = 0; i < ndates; i++)
- {
+ {
double OutVol = AR.washout[i]; // out volume to this segment from upstream segment
- double frac_this_segment = 1.0;
- double totOutVol = OutVol;
- if (divergence_flows != null)
- foreach (ITimeSeriesOutput> its in divergence_flows)
- {
- totOutVol = totOutVol + Convert.ToDouble(its.Data.Values.ElementAt(i)[0]) * 86400 ; //potential issue if master setup time-step changes or simulation time-period is increased since NWM data gathering
- // m3/d m3/d m3/s s/d
- frac_this_segment = OutVol / totOutVol;
- }
+ double frac_this_segment = 1.0;
+ double totOutVol = OutVol;
+ if (divergence_flows != null)
+ foreach (ITimeSeriesOutput> its in divergence_flows)
+ {
+ totOutVol = totOutVol + Convert.ToDouble(its.Data.Values.ElementAt(i)[0]) * 86400; //fixme potential issue if master setup time-step changes or simulation time-period is increased since NWM data gathering
+ // m3/d m3/d m3/s s/d
+ frac_this_segment = OutVol / totOutVol;
+ }
double InVol = flowLoad.ReturnLoad(AR.dates[i]); // inflow volume to current segment, If velocity is not used, must be estimated as current seg. outflow
@@ -1527,13 +1530,23 @@ public string Pass_Data(AQTSim Sim, int SrcID, int ninputs, bool passMass, archi
if (InVol < Consts.Tiny) newlist.Add(AR.dates[i], 0);
else if (ninputs == 1) newlist.Add(AR.dates[i], AR.concs[iTSV][i] * (OutVol / InVol) * frac_this_segment); // first or only input
else newlist.Add(AR.dates[i], TSV.LoadsRec.Loadings.list.Values[i] + AR.concs[iTSV][i] * (OutVol / InVol) * frac_this_segment); //adding second or third inputs
+ }
+ else // pass concentration
+ {
+ if (ninputs == 1)
+ {
+ newlist.Add(AR.dates[i], AR.concs[iTSV][i]); // first or only input
+ previous_flows.Add(AR.dates[i], OutVol * frac_this_segment); //water flowing into this segment at this time step corrected for divergences
- else // pass concentration
+ else
- if (ninputs == 1) newlist.Add(AR.dates[i], AR.concs[iTSV][i]); // first or only input
- else newlist.Add(AR.dates[i], (TSV.LoadsRec.Loadings.list.Values[i] *(ninputs-1) + AR.concs[iTSV][i])/ninputs); //weighted-averaging second or third inputs. FIXME not weighted by flow
+ double otherSegFlows = previous_flows.Values[i]; //sum of other-segment flows into this segment in this time step
+ double thisSegFlows = OutVol * frac_this_segment; //flows into this segment from passage segment this time step
+ double totFlows = otherSegFlows + thisSegFlows; //total flows into this segment this time step
+ newlist.Add(AR.dates[i], (TSV.LoadsRec.Loadings.list.Values[i] * otherSegFlows + AR.concs[iTSV][i] * thisSegFlows) / totFlows); //weighted-averaging second or third inputs by volume of water.
+ }
TSV.LoadsRec.Loadings.list = newlist;
TSV.LoadsRec.Loadings.UseConstant = false;
@@ -1593,7 +1606,8 @@ public bool executeModel(long segID, string setupjson, ref List outstr,
SVList.Add(SV.PName+" ("+SV.StateUnit+")"); //save list of SVs for output
+ SortedList previous_flows = null;
int nSources = 0;
if (SN != null)
@@ -1604,7 +1618,7 @@ public bool executeModel(long segID, string setupjson, ref List outstr,
if ((SrcID != segID) && !outofnetwork.Contains(SrcID)) // don't pass data from out of network segments
- string errstr = Pass_Data(Sim, SrcID, nSources, false, null, divergence_flows);
+ string errstr = Pass_Data(Sim, SrcID, nSources, false, ref previous_flows, null, divergence_flows);
if (errstr != "") outstr.Add(errstr);
else outstr.Add("INFO: Passed data from Source " + SrcID.ToString() + " into COMID " + segID.ToString());
@@ -1623,11 +1637,11 @@ public bool executeModel(long segID, string setupjson, ref List outstr,
if (AR != null)
- string errstr = Pass_Data(Sim, SrcID, nSources, false, null, divergence_flows);
+ string errstr = Pass_Data(Sim, SrcID, nSources, false, ref previous_flows, null, divergence_flows);
if (errstr != "") outstr.Add(errstr);
else outstr.Add("INFO: Passed data from Source " + entry.Key.ToString() + " into WBCOMID " + segID.ToString());
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
index 45459574..e82bde62 100644
@@ -146,7 +146,10 @@
+ PreserveNewest
diff --git a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/MultiSegForm.Designer.cs b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/MultiSegForm.Designer.cs
index 751bb7b7..6a524de1 100644
--- a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/MultiSegForm.Designer.cs
+++ b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/MultiSegForm.Designer.cs
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ private void InitializeComponent()
BaseJSONBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 23);
BaseJSONBox.TabIndex = 16;
BaseJSONBox.Tag = "";
- BaseJSONBox.Text = "..\\..\\..\\2D_Inputs\\LBR Glenwood 4.JSON";
+ BaseJSONBox.Text = "..\\2D_Inputs\\LBR Glenwood 4.JSON";
BaseJSONBox.Enter += BaseJSONBox_Enter;
BaseJSONBox.Leave += BaseJSONBox_Leave;
diff --git a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/NewSimForm.cs b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/NewSimForm.cs
index e1890ad2..7465d017 100644
--- a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/NewSimForm.cs
+++ b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/NewSimForm.cs
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ private static bool ReadLakeSurrogates()
if (LS != null) return true; // don't need to re-read already in memory
double LSVersionNum = 0;
- string fileN = Path.GetFullPath("..\\..\\..\\2D_Inputs\\" + "Multi_Seg_Surrogates.json");
+ string fileN = Path.GetFullPath("..\\2D_Inputs\\" + "Multi_Seg_Surrogates.json");
if (File.Exists(fileN))
@@ -489,9 +489,9 @@ private void MapType_CheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void MS_Surrogate_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// private functionality to create and write Multi-segment Surrogates object
- Lake_Surrogates LS = new Lake_Surrogates(Path.GetFullPath("..\\..\\..\\2D_Inputs\\" + "MS_Surrogates_Table.json"), "..\\..\\..\\Studies\\");
+ Lake_Surrogates LS = new Lake_Surrogates(Path.GetFullPath("..\\2D_Inputs\\" + "MS_Surrogates_Table.json"), "..\\Studies\\");
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(LS, LSJSONSettings());
- File.WriteAllText("..\\..\\..\\2D_Inputs\\" + "Multi_Seg_Surrogates.json", json);
+ File.WriteAllText("..\\2D_Inputs\\" + "Multi_Seg_Surrogates.json", json);
diff --git a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Param_Form.cs b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Param_Form.cs
index cdfa49d2..369f8548 100644
--- a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Param_Form.cs
+++ b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Param_Form.cs
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ public void removeControls(int i)
private string ReadDBPath(string deflt)
- string fileN = Path.GetFullPath("..\\..\\..\\DB\\" + deflt);
+ string fileN = Path.GetFullPath("..\\DB\\" + deflt);
if (MessageBox.Show("Open the default database: '" + fileN + "'?", "Confirm",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question,
MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.No)
diff --git a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Properties/PublishProfiles/ClickOnceProfile.pubxml b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Properties/PublishProfiles/ClickOnceProfile.pubxml
index 0098227f..782ed0f7 100644
--- a/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Properties/PublishProfiles/ClickOnceProfile.pubxml
+++ b/GUI/GUI.AQUATOX/Properties/PublishProfiles/ClickOnceProfile.pubxml
@@ -35,6 +35,1214 @@ https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=208121.
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diff --git a/Web.Services/Models/WSAquatoxWorkflow.cs b/Web.Services/Models/WSAquatoxWorkflow.cs
index 84a2c9b7..b15bb92b 100644
--- a/Web.Services/Models/WSAquatoxWorkflow.cs
+++ b/Web.Services/Models/WSAquatoxWorkflow.cs
@@ -210,10 +210,11 @@ private void Pass_Data(AQTSim sim, List comids)
// Pass the archived data to the current simulation
int nSources = 0;
+ SortedList previous_flows = null;
foreach (int SrcId in comids)
- Pass_Data(sim, SrcId, nSources, true, this.archive[SrcId]);
+ Pass_Data(sim, SrcId, nSources, true, ref previous_flows, this.archive[SrcId]);