version: 1
  - annotation: ckanext-xloader settings
      - key: ckanext.xloader.jobs_db.uri
        default: sqlite:////tmp/xloader_jobs.db
        description: |
            The connection string for the jobs database used by XLoader. The
            default of an sqlite file is fine for development. For production use a
            Postgresql database.
        validators: not_missing
        required: true
      - key: ckanext.xloader.api_token
        example: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJh.eyJqdGkiOiJ0M2VNUFlQWFg0VU.8QgV8em4RA
        description: |
            Uses a specific API token for the xloader_submit action instead of the
            apikey of the site_user. Will be mandatory when dropping support for
            CKAN 2.9.
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.formats
        example: csv application/csv xls application/
        description: |
            The formats that are accepted. If the value of the resource.format is
            anything else then it won't be 'xloadered' to DataStore (and will therefore
            only be available to users in the form of the original download/link).
            Case insensitive. Defaults are listed in
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.max_content_length
        default: 1_000_000_000
        example: 100000
        description: |
            The maximum file size that XLoader will attempt to load.
        type: int
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.use_type_guessing
        default: False
        example: False
        description: |
            By default, xloader will first try to add tabular data to the DataStore
            with a direct PostgreSQL COPY. This is relatively fast, but does not
            guess column types. If this fails, xloader falls back to a method more
            like DataPusher's behaviour. This has the advantage that the column types
            are guessed. However it is more error prone and far slower.
            To always skip the direct PostgreSQL COPY and use type guessing, set
            this option to True.
        type: bool
        required: false
        legacy_key: ckanext.xloader.just_load_with_messytables
      - key: ckanext.xloader.strict_type_guessing
        default: True
        example: False
        description: |
            Use with ckanext.xloader.use_type_guessing to set strict true or false
            for type guessing. If set to False, the types will always fallback to string type.

            Strict means that a type will not be guessed if parsing fails for a single cell in the column.
        type: bool
      - key: ckanext.xloader.max_type_guessing_length
        default: 0
        example: 100000
        description: |
            The maximum file size that will be passed to Tabulator if the
            use_type_guessing flag is enabled. Larger files will use COPY even if
            the flag is set. Defaults to 1/10 of the maximum content length.
        type: int
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.parse_dates_dayfirst
        default: False
        example: False
        description: |
            Whether ambiguous dates should be parsed day first. Defaults to False.
            If set to True, dates like '01.02.2022' will be parsed as day = 01,
            month = 02.
            NB: isoformat dates like '2022-01-02' will be parsed as YYYY-MM-DD, and
            this option will not override that.
            for more details.
        type: bool
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.parse_dates_yearfirst
        default: False
        example: False
        description: |
            Whether ambiguous dates should be parsed year first. Defaults to False.
            If set to True, dates like '01.02.03' will be parsed as year = 2001,
            month = 02, day = 03. See
            for more details.
        type: bool
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.job_timeout
        default: 3600
        example: 3600
        description: |
            The maximum time for the loading of a resource before it is aborted.
            Give an amount in seconds. Default is 60 minutes
        type: int
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.ignore_hash
        default: False
        example: False
        description: |
            Ignore the file hash when submitting to the DataStore, if set to True
            resources are always submitted (if their format matches), if set to
            False (default), resources are only submitted if their hash has changed.
        type: bool
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.max_excerpt_lines
        default: 0
        example: 100
        description: |
            When loading a file that is bigger than `max_content_length`, xloader can
            still try and load some of the file, which is useful to display a
            preview. Set this option to the desired number of lines/rows that it
            loads in this case.
            If the file-type is supported (CSV, TSV) an excerpt with the number of
            `max_excerpt_lines` lines will be submitted while the `max_content_length`
            is not exceeded.
            If set to 0 (default) files that exceed the `max_content_length` will
            not be loaded into the datastore.
        type: int
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.ssl_verify
        default: True
        example: True
        description: |
            Requests verifies SSL certificates for HTTPS requests. Setting verify to
            False should only be enabled during local development or testing. Default
            to True.
        type: bool
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.validation.requires_successful_report
        default: False
        example: True
        description: |
            Resources are required to pass Validation from the ckanext-validation
            plugin to be able to get XLoadered.
        type: bool
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.validation.enforce_schema
        default: True
        example: False
        description: |
            Resources are expected to have a Validation Schema, or use the default ones if not.
            If this option is set to `False`, Resources that do not have
            a Validation Schema will be treated like they do not require Validation.
            for more details.
      - key: ckanext.xloader.clean_datastore_tables
        default: False
        example: True
        description: |
          Enqueue jobs to remove Datastore tables from Resources that have a format
          that is not in ckanext.xloader.formats after a Resource is updated.
        type: bool
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.show_badges
        default: True
        example: False
        description: |
          Controls whether or not the status badges display in the front end.
        type: bool
        required: false
      - key: ckanext.xloader.debug_badges
        default: False
        example: True
        description: |
          Controls whether or not the status badges display all of the statuses. By default,
          the badges will display "pending", "running", and "error". With debug_badges enabled,
          they will also display "complete", "active", "inactive", and "unknown".
        type: bool
        required: false