Confidant Station-decentralized privacy management and protection platform Confidant Station communication with app workflow
Confidant product suite includes the Confidant Station and Confidant app, Confidant app serves as the operation interface and the end to communicate to the Confidant station. Confidan user communicates with the Confidant station via the TLS encrypted connection. All the data are transmitted through decentralized p2p connection between Confidant Stations without any decentralized nodes. This way the whole Confidant network serves as a completely decentralized, private and secure cyber communication tunnel.
Data security
All user data including user account data, chat history, and uploaded files are saved in Confidant stations with encryption. Confidant mobile client also stores some of the data encrypted. This double encryption mechanism Confidant adopts guarantees the ultimate data security.
The firmware is now supported in X86 hardware and Building-in Equipments Such as rasberry pie and Onespace server)
One-stop decentralized privacy management and protection platform with a focus on securing digital social relationships.
Blockchain-like Account SystemP2P
Encrypted Messaging & Peer-to-peer File Transfer
On-premise Storage & Private Cloud for Emergency Recovery
Encrypted email aggregator
currently Mac or Windows OS is not supported
To get the master version**
git clone
cd Confidant-Station
----doc 项目API接口文档目录
----files 项目配套资源文件目录 Onespace设备上打包脚本
----ppr 升级脚本目录
----source 项目代码源目录
X86 cp Makefile_x86 Makefile makeOnespace 依赖交叉编译环境 cp Makefile_onespace Makefile makeopenwrt Confidant集成到openwrt/package cp Makefile_openwrt Makefile make package/Confidant/{clean,compile} V=s
mkdir /tmp/logdisk
tail -f /tmp/logdisk/pnrouter_debug.log