# DivaServices Workflow Interface

DivaServices is a project whose goal is to make Document Image Analysis (DIA)
methods accessible over the web. Their REST API proposes various documentanalysis
algorithms (also referred as web services), from binarization to complex
active learning methods, as well as image processing and feature extraction

Though one can easily run these algorithms separately, it is not an easy task to
build complete and logical series of them. Indeed, one should be careful about
inputs and parameters, which are very specific for every algorithm. Additionally, it
is not always convenient to define such series without a global and graphic view of
the result.

In order to solve these issues, we implement a user interface, where a whole
workflow (a logical succession of algorithms) can be created and edited. This
workflow will then be saved and installed on the DIVA platform and be run from

## Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

### Prerequisites

You will need to install **yarn** to run the interface.

### Installing

Once yarn is installed, you can install the interface with:
yarn init

If necessary, update `service.xml` so that it contains correct services description. 

Once all the dependencies are installed, run the following command to run the interface locally:

yarn dev
/!\ Don't forget to precise GET parameters `id` ! On production mode, `id` must match an existing workflow.

You should open the running server with url :

### Maintainance

Since git hooks are installed, you will need to have a clean code which match prettier and eslint requirements.
To prettify your code, run 
yarn prettier:write
And to check the validity of your code against eslint, run
yarn eslint

If no error is detected, you will be able to commit your changes.

## Running the tests


yarn test

## Deployment

This command allows you to create a distribution version of the interface. It is the one you can install directly in the `resource` of the Oppidum website.

yarn dist

The resulting files will be saved in the `public` folder.  

## Built With

* [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/v2) - The web framework used
* [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) - Bundler
* [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/) - Dependency Management

## Authors

* **Kim Lan Phan Hoang** - *Initial work* - klphanh@gmail.com

## Implemented features
### Interface
- Zoom (in the mouse direction). A button allows the zoom to be reset.
- Pan
- Clear (reset the current workflow)
- Fit Content: allow the user to have an overview of the whole workflow.
- Context menu on right click. It provides the **Paste** and **Clear** operations. 
- Keyboard shortcut controls: 
  - copy
  - paste
  - delete
  - undo and redo: pasting, deleting, moving and adding elements, adding links are undo-redoable operations. 
- Layout custom options (Settings): show tooltips, show parameters, show ports, show port details

### Elements (Webservice box) and Links
- Add elements (from a corresponding button and with copy/paste). An algorithm is applied to avoid collision and overlapping (to be improve)
- Remove elements (from context menu or trash)
- Edit element's parameters (inputs and select). Each comes with a tooltip and a reset button.
- Moveable elements
- Linkeable elements. Only port whose types are matching can be linked.   
- Context menu on right click. It provides the **Copy**, **Delete** and **Duplicate** operations.
- Selection : Multiple elements can be selected. Selection is highlighted.

### Workflows
- Open an XML file and reconstruction of a workflow
- Save a workflow into an XML file

## Design
- Each algorithm category has an icon and a defined color (yet random and temporary).
- Each port format type has a defined colors (yet random and temporary)