main data is located share storage on android
Here introduce feature by directory
- "~" ->
Root directory for cmdclick
~ is /storage/emulated/0/Documents/cmdclick
This dir include app directory
This direcotory include system dir of app directory
This dir include url history app directory Url history is used to bookmark fannel
This dir include y-scroll history app directory to resotre y-position when you visit site in url history,
Fannel directory path
All fannel main direcotry must be ${fannel name without extend} + "Dir"
, otherwise cannot controll by CommandClick
Include exec js script for system action.
For example, onAutoExec, urlHIstoryClick, appHistoryClick
Include js script for history action
For example, homeScriptUrlsPath, homeFannelsPath
Include js script for Long press
For example, srcImageAnchorLongPressMenuFilePath, srcAnchorLongPressMenuFilePath, imageLongPressMenuFilePath
administorator dir.
Include app directory configuration.
Include fannel historys
Include js imported js library.
Include monitor files
Include fannel repository
Include about ubuntu
Include ubuntu' backup rootfs
Include temp use directorys
Include ubuntu's foreground exec shell file
temp download file to be removed in next download
Include temp monitor update contents file
Include ubuntu service temp files