
Puppetfiles are a simple Ruby based DSL that specifies a list of modules to
install, what version to install, and where to fetch them from. r10k can use a
Puppetfile to install a set of Puppet modules for local development, or they can
be used with r10k environment deployments to install additional modules into a
given environment.

Unlike librarian-puppet, the r10k implementation of Puppetfiles does not include
dependency resolution, but it is on the roadmap.

When directly working with Puppetfiles, you can use the `r10k puppetfile`
subcommand to interact with a Puppetfile.

When using r10k's deploy functionality, interacting with Puppetfiles is handled
on a case by case basis.

Because the Puppetfile format is actually implemented using a Ruby DSL any valid
Ruby expression can be used. That being said, being a bit too creative in the
DSL can lead to surprising (read: bad) things happening, so consider keeping it


Puppetfile subcommands assume that the Puppetfile to operate on is in the
current working directory and modules should be installed in the 'modules'
directory relative to the current working directory.

Install or update all modules in a given Puppetfile
into ./modules)

    r10k puppetfile install

Verify the Puppetfile syntax

    r10k puppetfile check

Remove any modules in the 'modules' directory that are not specified in the

    r10k puppetfile purge

Global settings

The following settings can be used to control how the Puppetfile installs and
handles modules.

### forge

The `forge` setting specifies which server that Forge based modules are fetched
from. This declaration is only respected if [`forge.allow_puppetfile_override`](/dynamic-environments/configuration.mkd#allow_puppetfile_override)
is set to true in the main `r10k.yaml`. Otherwise, use [`forge.baseurl`](/doc/dynamic-environments/configuration.mkd#baseurl)
to globally configure where modules should be downloaded from.

### moduledir

The `moduledir` setting specifies where modules from the Puppetfile will be
installed. This defaults to the `modules` directory relative to the Puppetfile.
If the path is absolute then the modules will be installed to that absolute
path, otherwise it's assumed that the `moduledir` setting should be relative and
the modules will be installed in that directory relative to the Puppetfile.

The moduledir setting should be placed before any modules are declared.

Install modules to an absolute path:

moduledir '/etc/puppet/modules'

mod 'branan/eight_hundred' # will be installed into '/etc/puppet/modules/eight_hundred'

Install modules to a relative path:

moduledir 'thirdparty'

mod 'branan/eight_hundred' # will be installed into `dirname /path/to/Puppetfile`/thirdparty/eight_hundred

**Note**: support for a relative moduledir was added in r10k 1.4.0; the behavior
of a relative moduledir path is undefined on earlier versions of r10k.

Module types

r10k can install Puppet modules from a number of different sources. Right now
modules can be installed from the Puppet Forge, Git, or SVN.

### Puppet Forge

Modules can be installed from the Puppet Forge.

If no version is specified the latest version available at the time will be
installed, and will be kept at that version.

    mod 'puppetlabs/apache'

If a version is specified then that version will be installed.

    mod 'puppetlabs/apache', '0.10.0'

If the version is set to :latest then the module will be always updated to the
latest version available.

    mod 'puppetlabs/apache', :latest

An explicit type and/or version can be specified using the standard interface,
`:type` and `:version`. The `:source` parameter is not supported for individual
forge modules and will be ignored.

    mod 'puppetlabs/apache',
      type:    'forge',
      version: '6.0.0'

### Git

Git repositories that contain a Puppet module can be cloned and used as modules.
When Git is used, the module version can be specified by using `:ref`, `:tag`,
`:commit`, `:branch`, or the standard interface parameter `:version`.

When a module is installed using `:ref`, r10k uses some simple heuristics to
determine the type of Git object that should be checked out. This can be used
with a git commit, branch reference, or a tag.

When a module is installed using `:tag` or `:commit`, r10k assumes that the
given object is a tag or commit and can do some optimizations around fetching
the object. If the tag or commit is already available r10k will skip network
operations when updating the repo, which can speed up install times. When
`:ref` is set to track `HEAD`, it will synchronize the module on each run.

Module versions can also be specified using `:branch` to track a specific
branch reference.

In r10k 3.x the default branch was hardcoded to `master`; in 4.x that was
removed. A `default_ref` can be specified in the r10k config to
to mimic that old behavior, but it is recommended to set the ref on a
per-module basis in the Puppetfile. Read [here](dynamic-environments/configuration.mkd#default_ref) for more info
on the `default_ref` setting.

#### Examples

# Install puppetlabs/apache and keep it up to date with 'master'
mod 'apache',
  :git => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache'

# Install puppetlabs/apache and track the 'docs_experiment' branch
mod 'apache',
  :git => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache',
  :ref => 'docs_experiment'

# Install puppetlabs/apache and pin to the '0.9.0' tag
mod 'apache',
  :git => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache',
  :tag => '0.9.0'

# Install puppetlabs/apache and pin to the '83401079' commit
mod 'apache',
  :git    => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache',
  :commit => '83401079053dca11d61945bd9beef9ecf7576cbf'

# Install puppetlabs/apache and track the 'docs_experiment' branch
mod 'apache',
  :git    => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache',
  :branch => 'docs_experiment'

# Install puppetlabs/apache and use standard interface parameters pinned to the
# '2098a17' commit.
mod 'puppetlabs-apache',
  type:    'git',
  source:  'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache',
  version: '2098a17'

#### Control Repo Branch Tracking

Since r10k 2.4.0, the `:branch` option can be set to the special value
`:control_branch` to indicate that the content should track a branch
reference matching the containing control repo branch. For example, if a
Puppetfile containing a Git content declaration is in the "testing" branch
of a control repo, a setting of `:control_branch` will attempt to deploy that
content from a "testing" branch of the content repo.

Additionally, you can specify a `:default_branch` option which is the branch
reference that content will be deployed from if the the given `:ref`, `:tag`,
`:commit`, or `:branch` option cannot be resolved and deployed. If the desired
content cannot be resolved and no default branch is given, or if the default
branch can also not be resolved, an error will be logged and the content will
not be deployed or updated.

#### :control\_branch Examples

# Deploy content from branch matching control repo branch.
mod 'hieradata',
  :git => 'git@git.example.com:organization/hieradata.git',
  :branch => :control_branch

# Track control branch and fall-back to master if no matching branch.
mod 'hieradata',
  :git => 'git@git.example.com:organization/hieradata.git',
  :branch => :control_branch,
  :default_branch => 'master'

### SVN

Modules can be installed via SVN. If no version is given, the module will track
the latest version available in the main SVN repository.

    mod 'apache',
      :svn => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache/trunk'

If an SVN revision number is specified with `:rev`, `:revision`, or `:version`,
that SVN revision will be kept checked out.

    mod 'apache',
      :svn => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache/trunk',
      :rev => '154'

    mod 'apache',
      :svn      => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache/trunk',
      :revision => '154'

    mod 'apache',
      type:    'svn',
      source:  'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache/trunk',
      version: '154'

If the SVN repository requires credentials, you can supply the `:username` and
`:password` options.

    mod 'apache',
      :svn      => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache/trunk',
      :username => 'azurediamond',
      :password => 'hunter2'

**Note**: SVN credentials are passed as command line options, so the SVN
credentials may be visible in the process table when r10k is running. If you
choose to supply SVN credentials make sure that the system running r10k is
appropriately secured.

### Tarball

Modules can be installed from tarball archives. A tarball module must specify a source URL to retreive the tarball content from. A tarball module may optionally specify a sha256 checksum as the module version.

    mod 'puppetlabs-apache',
      type: 'tarball',
      source: 'https://repo.example.com/puppet/modules/puppetlabs-apache-7.0.0.tar.gz',
      version: 'aedd6dc1a5136c6a1a1ec2f285df2a70b0fe4c9effb254b5a1f58116e4c1659e' # sha256 digest

If no version is specified, a tarball will be downloaded from the given source and cached. The cache will not be invalidated until the source URL is changed, or a sha256 checksum version is provided.

Tarball module content will be unpacked directly into an appropriately named module directory. For example, the puppetlabs-apache-7.0.0.tar.gz archive in the example above will be unpacked into `<environment-dir>/modules/apache/`.

### Local

In the event you want to store locally written modules in your r10k-managed
repository in the Puppetfile managed path, you can use the `:local` type.

For instance, if you have a Git repository with the following structure:

# tree -L 2
├── environment.conf
├── modules
│   └── local_module
└── Puppetfile

4 directories, 2 files

And you want to prevent `local_module` from being removed, you can add a 'local'
module in your Puppetfile:

mod 'local_module', :local => true

# Include your other modules as normal
mod 'branan/eight_hundred'
mod 'puppetlabs/apache'

If you run r10k against this Git branch, you'll get the following:

# tree -L 2
├── environment.conf
├── modules
│   ├── apache
│   ├── eight_hundred
│   └── local_module
└── Puppetfile

4 directories, 2 files

#### Caveats

This is a workaround for r10k not being able to determine that modules
created via VCS should not be purged, but is not meant to be a long term
solution. The general practice around having local and remote modules in the
same Git repository is to move modules versioned into a separate directory, like

# tree -L 2
├── environment.conf
├── site-modules
│   └── local_module
├── modules
│   ├── apache
│   └── eight_hundred
└── Puppetfile

4 directories, 2 files

Moving modules stored in the Git repository into a separate directory will
remove the need to have Puppetfile entries for every locally versioned Puppet

For more information see the [FAQ entry](faq.mkd#how-do-i-prevent-r10k-from-removing-modules-in-the-modules-directory-of-my-git-repository)
on managing internal and external modules in the same directory.

### Per-Item spec dir deployment

During deployment, r10k's default behavior is to delete the spec directory. The
Puppetfile can modify this per module, overriding settings from the default
r10k config. The following example sets the module to deploy the spec

mod 'apache',
  :git => 'git@github.com:puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache.git',
  :exclude_spec => false

### Per-Item Install Path

Git and SVN content types support installing into an alternate path without changing
the value of moduledir by specifying an 'install\_path' option:

# This will install the 'apache' module into 'external/apache'.
mod 'apache',
  :git => 'git@github.com:puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache.git',
  :install_path => 'external'

The given 'install\_path' can be an absolute path or a path relative to the base of
the environment. Note that r10k will exit with an error if you attempt to set the
'path' option to a directory outside of the environment.