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Supplementary material for the paper "Theoretical Evaluation of Asymmetric Shapley Values for Root-Cause Analysis"

This repository contains the code we used to run the experiments in our paper.


Information regarding features, groups

Communities and Crime features semantic grouping

Group name Features
Race racepctblack, racePctWhite, racePctAsian, racePctHisp
Age agePct12t21, agePct12t29, agePct16t24, agePct65up
Income medIncome, pctWWage, pctWFarmSelf, pctWInvInc, pctWSocSec, pctWPubAsst, pctWRetire, medFamInc, perCapInc, NumUnderPov, PctPopUnderPov
Race/Income whitePerCap, blackPerCap, indianPerCap, AsianPerCap, OtherPerCap, HispPerCap
Education PctLess9thGrade, PctNotHSGrad, PctBSorMore, PctUnemployed, PctEmploy, PctEmplManu, PctEmplProfServ, PctOccupManu, PctOccupMgmtProf
Family MalePctDivorce, MalePctNevMarr, FemalePctDiv, TotalPctDiv, PersPerFam, PctFam2Par, PctKids2Par, PctYoungKids2Par, PctTeen2Par, PctWorkMomYoungKids, PctWorkMom, NumKidsBornNeverMar, PctKidsBornNeverMar
Immigration PctForeignBorn, NumImmig, PctImmigRecent, PctImmigRec5, PctImmigRec8, PctImmigRec10, PctRecentImmig, PctRecImmig5, PctRecImmig8, PctRecImmig10, PctSpeakEnglOnly, PctNotSpeakEnglWell
House householdsize, PctLargHouseFam, PctLargHouseOccup, PersPerOccupHous, PersPerOwnOccHous, PersPerRentOccHous, PctPersOwnOccup, PctPersDenseHous, PctHousLess3BR, MedNumBR, HousVacant, PctHousOccup, PctHousOwnOcc, PctVacantBoarded, PctVacMore6Mos, MedYrHousBuilt, PctHousNoPhone, PctWOFullPlumb, OwnOccLowQuart, OwnOccMedVal, OwnOccHiQuart, OwnOccQrange, RentLowQ, RentMedian, RentHighQ, RentQrange, MedRent, MedRentPctHousInc, MedOwnCostPctInc, MedOwnCostPctIncNoMtg
Homelessness NumInShelters, NumStreet
Native PctBornSameState, PctSameHouse85, PctSameCity85, PctSameState85
Police LemasSwornFT, LemasSwFTPerPop, LemasSwFTFieldOps, LemasSwFTFieldPerPop, LemasTotalReq, LemasTotReqPerPop, PolicReqPerOffic, PolicPerPop
Race/Police RacialMatchCommPol, PctPolicWhite, PctPolicBlack, PctPolicHisp, PctPolicAsian, PctPolicMinor, OfficAssgnDrugUnits, NumKindsDrugsSeiz, PolicAveOTWorked, PolicCars, PolicOperBudg, LemasPctPolicOnPatr, LemasGangUnitDeploy, LemasPctOfficDrugUn, PolicBudgPerPop
Land/Pop population, numbUrban, pctUrban, LandArea, PopDens, PctUsePubTrans

Mobile Telecommunications dataset feature groups

Mobile Telco causality dag

Configuration Management data

Id Name # of features Description
#1 Spectrum 7 Spectrum resources available for a given cell. Includes start frequency of the used band and channel bandwidth.
#2 Antennas, MIMO and modulations 5 Other radio resource like capabilities of the cell including: number of antennas, MIMO capabilities, modulation capabilities.
#3 Dimensioning 33 Configuration settings of the cell resulting from cell dimensioning: range, transmit power, signal strength threshold and hysteresis settings, etc.

Performance Management data

Id Name # of features Description
#4 Cell load 4 Cell load metrics with statistics about the number of connected users and active users.
#5 Neighbor cell load 4 Weighted average of load metrics from neighboring cells (weighted by handover counts).
#6 UE cap. distr. 12 Radio capability distribution of connected users.
#7 TA distr. 3 Timing Advance distribution of UEs within the cell (Timing Advance estimates the distance of the UE from the base station)
#8 Interference 3 Uplink interference distribution
#9 Path loss 3 Uplink path loss distribution (expresses how much the transmitted power is attenuated by the radio channel between the UE and the base station)
#10 Channel quality 4 Rank distribution within the cell

Repo Table of Contents



Contains experiments regarding neural networks (NAM). Please refer to the of the subdirectory.


For convenience, we also include the necessary data files in the correct folder structure to run the code. These were downloaded from the UCI repository using the command wget --recursive --no-parent and similar, and also uncompressed when necessary.


Rendered .pdf and .png charts and figures.



The incorrect attributions of Example B can also be demonstrated using average absolute values. This notebook contains the numerical simulation.


Experiments regarding feature pairs on the Communities and Crime Unnormalized dataset.


Experiments regarding the semantic grouping of the Communities and Crime Unnormalized dataset.


Experiments regarding feature pairs in the four public datasets.


Experiments regarding random groupings in the four public datasets.


We used a python 3.8 environment with the following packages to run the experiments:

  • lightgbm=3.3.5
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • matplotlib