- f7777c1: Support for write operations in FileMaker 2024
- 514b2b6: Set global field values
- Handle dateformats option of DataAPI
- add more exports to index
- 28067f8: fix list all method
- don't reimport config statement
- fix wv find
- 63f1da5: Update generated comment header
- 7b2cadd: Add type validation helper functions for detecting Otto API keys
- a31c94c: add export for
adjust offset for automatic pagination functions
- don't rename limit param for find request
- fix offset param in find queries
- Add support for OttoFMS proxy
- e4d536e: Update findAll method similar to listAll method; offset fix
- 08e951d: Fix ReferenceError: __dirname is not defined
- fix: remove offset if 0
- fix: listAll pagination offset
- use absolute imports
- remove node-fetch dep
- update packages
- add types decl to package.json
- improve exports
- add wv path to export
- 4fff462: allow no params to listAll method
- b604cf6: remove webviewer import from main index
- 8146800: add removeFMTableNames to main export
- 30aa8a9: Add WebViewer Client You can now use easily use this package with FileMaker webviewer integrations! Simply add @proofgeist/fm-webviewer-fetch to your project and specify the FM Script Name that runs the Execute Data API command in the fmschema.config file. Now you'll have autogenerated types for your FileMaker layouts but without sending calls via the network!
- c4f2345: Support portal fields in query type
- 8fd05d8: fix: add more error trapping when importing config file in codegen CLI
- 6745dd2: fix Codegen on Windows systems
- fix: remove fetch param from passing through to FM
- fix: file return types to conform to zod validator
- fix: if no token store is provided, default memory store was not being imported correctly
- fix: memory token store would throw error during zod validation
- add back default export
- support commonJS and module imports in codegen cli
- improve cli, supports .mjs config file by default
- 129f9a6: fix codegen import
5c2f0d2: Use native fetch (Node 18+).
This package now requires Node 18+ and no longer relys on the
package. Each method supports passing additional options to thefetch
function via thefetch
parameter. This is useful if used within a framework that overrides the globalfetch
function (such as Next.js).
- 5c2f0d2: Custom functions to override where the temporary access token is stored
- add LocalStorage and Upstash helper methods for token store