To route traffic to a new backend, you must deploy a new Discoverer instance that discovers all Services and Endpoints and routes them appropriately.
Create a new Secret from the kubeconfig file for the cluster:
BACKEND_NAME=new-k8s SECRET_NAME=${BACKEND_NAME}-discover-kubecfg kubectl -n gimbal-discovery create secret generic ${SECRET_NAME} \ --from-file=config=./config \ --from-literal=backend-name=${BACKEND_NAME}
Update the deployment manifest. Set the deployment name to the name of the new backend, and set the Secret name to the name of the new Secret.
Apply the updated manifest to the Gimbal cluster:
kubectl -n gimbal-discovery apply -f new-k8s-discoverer.yaml
Verify the Discoverer is running by checking the number of available replicas in the new deployment, and by checking the logs of the new pod.
Ensure you have all the required credentials for the OpenStack cluster.
Create a new Secret:
BACKEND_NAME=new-openstack SECRET_NAME=${BACKEND_NAME}-discover-openstack kubectl -n gimbal-discovery create secret generic ${SECRET_NAME} \ --from-file=certificate-authority-data=${CA_DATA_FILE} \ --from-literal=backend-name=${BACKEND_NAME} \ --from-literal=username=${OS_USERNAME} \ --from-literal=password=${OS_PASSWORD} \ --from-literal=auth-url=${OS_AUTH_URL} \ --from-literal=tenant-name=${OS_TENANT_NAME}
Update the deployment manifest. Set the deployment name to the name of the new backend, and update the secret name to the one created in the previous step.
Apply the updated manifest to the Gimbal cluster:
kubectl -n gimbal-discovery apply -f new-openstack-discoverer.yaml
Verify the Discoverer is running by checking the number of available replicas in the new deployment, and by verifying the logs of the new pod.
To remove a backend from the Gimbal cluster, the Discoverer and the discovered services must be deleted.
Find the Discoverer instance that's responsible for the backend:
# Assuming a Kubernetes backend kubectl -n gimbal-discovery get deployments -l app=kubernetes-discoverer
Delete the instance:
kubectl -n gimbal-discovery delete deployment ${DISCOVERER_NAME}
Delete the Secret that holds the credentials for the backend cluster:
kubectl -n gimbal-discovery delete secret ${DISCOVERER_SECRET_NAME}
Warning: Performing this operation results in Gimbal not sending traffic to this backend.
List the Services that belong to the cluster, and verify the list:
kubectl --all-namespaces get svc -l${CLUSTER_NAME}
List the namespaces with Services that were discovered:
kubectl get svc --all-namespaces -l${CLUSTER_NAME} -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{"\n"}{end}' | uniq
Iterate over the namespaces and delete all Services and Endpoints:
NAMESPACES=$(kubectl get svc --all-namespaces -l${CLUSTER_NAME} -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{"\n"}{end}' | uniq) for ns in $NAMESPACES do kubectl -n $ns delete svc,endpoints -l${CLUSTER_NAME} done