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[email protected] edited this page Aug 18, 2010 · 14 revisions
  1. summary Instructions on compiling under windows
Here are instructions on compiling libdai for windows. Tested using libai version 0.2.6, on windows Vista 32bit, with boost 1.43, visual studio 2008 (v9), and Matlab 2010a.

(1) Download and install visual studio 2008 express: (I first tried version 2010, but the matlab interface didn't compile properly under it. Although it may be possible to get it to work.)

(2) Change MATLAB's compiler to visual studio 2008 using "mex -setup"

(3) Download and install *gnu make*, *diffUtils* and *sed* from

(4) Download and unzip boost to say C:\boost from

(5) Download boost jam from the link above and put the bjam.exe file in the C:\boost\boost_1_43_0 directory

(6) Run this command to build the boost libraries:

(7) Download libDAI from and unzip it to say C:\boost\libDAI-0.2.5. _Version 2.6 has been tested as well._

(8) Rename the "Makefile.WINDOWS" file, "Makefile.conf" and make the following changes:

(9) Open up the visual studio command prompt, (not the regular windows cmd), change directories to the \libDAI-0.2.5 directory and type:

to add the make directory to the path, (for some reason the visual studio cmd prompt ignores the system path)

and then type

(10) After its compiled, (roughly an hour on my system) you need to compile the matlab interface: Open "Makefile.ALL" and set "WITH_MATLAB=true", and then run make again. It doesn't recompile what its already done, but the matlab part takes quite a long time too. (Apparently you have do this two stage compilation; I didn't try doing it all at once).


Open Matlab, and test out their example:

Note the "tests" directory unlike the erroneous "examples" path in their documentation.

(12) If you are only using this from within Matlab, all you need is the matlab directory containing the .mex* files.

Assuming everything works, the whole process takes about 2 hours, but most of this is unattended.

The readme instructions with libDAI have a bunch of stuff about the boost build that you can ignore. Boost now ships with and you don't need to change boost-build.jam.


To add mex debug info to the compiled files add -g to the MEXFLAGS property in Makefile.conf. This allows you to debug segfaults as per these MATLAB instructions. If you are recompiling, make sure to first delete the .mex files.

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