FLEDGE has been renamed to Protected Audience API. To learn more about the name change, see the blog post
Priyanka Chatterjee, Google Privacy Sandbox
Daniel Kocoj, Google Privacy Sandbox
Alek Kundla, Google Privacy Sandbox
The Bidding and Auction Services (B&A) outlines a way to allow Protected Audience auctions to take place in trusted execution environment (TEE) based servers on a supported cloud platform.
This explainer describes the system design of Bidding and Auction services. For high level design, Adtech specs, API, refer to this explainer.
- Refer here for Chrome client side design explainer for Bidding and Auction services integration.
- Refer here for Android's client side design explainer for Bidding and Auction services integration.
Seller's code in the publisher web page (in browser) or publisher app (in android) sends a unified contextual and Protected Audience auction HTTPS request to the seller's ad service. The request includes contextual payload and encrypted Protected Audience data. Seller's ad service sends Real Time Bidding (RTB) requests to buyers for contextual bids, and conducts a contextual auction. Then the seller ad service sends a request to TEE based SellerFrontEnd service that includes encrypted Protected Audience data, contextual signals and other data. Protected Audience bidding and auction kicks off in Bidding and Auction services. The SellerFrontEnd service decrypts encrypted Protected Audience data using decryption keys prefetched from Key Management System. Then SellerFrontEnd service orchestrates bidding requests in parallel to buyers participating in the auction. Within each buyer system, TEE based BuyerFrontEnd service looks up real-time bidding signals from buyer's key/value service and calls TEE based Bidding service for bidding. Buyers would need to return bids within a timeout set by the seller. After bids are received from buyers, SellerFrontEnd service looks up real-time scoring signals from seller's key/value service and calls TEE based Auction service for scoring the bids. SellerFrontEnd returns an encrypted auction result to the seller ad service. Seller ad service sends the encrypted auction result back to the client.
Bidding and Auction services are based on the gRPC framework. The server code is developed in C++ and configurations are based on Terraform. The server code and configurations will be open sourced by Google Privacy Sandbox.
Bidding and Auction services also allows execution of Adtech owned code for generating bids, scoring ads, generating reporting urls. The hosting environment would protect the confidentiality of the Adtech code and contextual signals (if the execution happens only in the cloud).
The communication between services in the Bidding and Auction system is protected by TLS / SSL and additionally, request-response payloads are encrypted by Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE). Also, request/response payload sent over the wire will be compressed by gzip.
Following services will be operated by an SSP, also referred to as a seller.
The seller's ad service is the existing stack of the seller that facilitates real-time bidding auctions.
The seller's ad service will receive a unified contextual and Protected Audience auctions HTTPS request from the client for selecting an ad. The request would include contextual request payload and encrypted Protected Audience data from the client. The encrypted Protected Audience data includes Interest Group (Custom Audience) and other information on the user's device required for bidding.
Seller's code in the publisher web page or publisher app calls the client (browser or android) to get the encrypted Protected Audience data.
Seller's code sends a HTTPS request to the seller's ad service that includes contextual and encrypted Protected Audience data (unified request).
The encrypted data is uploaded in the body of the HTTPS request and device metadata is added to the HTTP request header.
The seller's ad service will not be able to decrypt encrypted Protected Audience data.
Note: There will be 7 size buckets for Protected Audience data, with the minimum size being very small. This would ensure that the request payload size does not leak enough bits with iterative requests. This would mitigate re-identification of the user.
Seller's ad service conducts contextual auction.
Seller sends real time bidding (RTB) requests to partner buyers. Buyers respond with bids for contextual auction and may express demand to participate in Protected Audience auction by returning buyer_signals in RTB response.
Based on different factors, seller can determine if there is incremental value in Protected Audience auctions. If there is value, seller's ad service calls Bidding and Auction services.
Seller's ad service calls Bidding and Auction services for Protected Audience auction after conducting contextual auction, only if there is for demand for Protected Audience auction.
The encrypted Protected Audience data is passed in the request along with other required data.
Seller's ad service can send HTTP(S) requests or gRPC requests; HTTPS requests would be translated to gRPC using proxy service configured in front of SellerFrontEnd service.
The response from seller ad service would include a contextual ad winner and / or encrypted Protected Audience response.
- If Bidding and Auction services is called by seller ad service, an encrypted Protected Audience response will always be returned.
The seller code in the publisher web page or app returns the encrypted Protected Audience response to the client (browser or android).
- Only the client (browser or android) will be able to decrypt the Protected Audience response.
Note: The size of Protected Audience data must be small to optimize latency and reduce network cost for Adtechs. We will publish a separate explainer for the payload optimization guide for DSPs.
The front-end service of the system that runs in the TEE on a supported cloud platform. The service is based on the gRPC framework and provides a gRPC endpoint "SelectAd" that receives requests from the seller's ad service to initiate Protected Audience auction flow.
SellerFrontEnd server instance loads configured data in memory at server startup. This includes the following, for more details refer here:
Domain address of other services that SellerFrontEnd depends on.
- This includes address of BuyerFrontEnd services of partner buyers, address of seller key/value service, address of Auction service and address of key hosting services in key management systems.
Seller's origin (domain address).
Global timeout of buyer.
Map of buyer origin to BuyerFrontEnd domain address for all buyers that the seller has partnered with.
At server startup, the gRPC or HTTP connections to other services (BuyerFrontEnd services of partner buyers, Auction service, seller's key/value service, cryptographic key hosting services) are prewarmed.
Seller's ad service would send a SelectAd request to TEE based SellerFrontEnd service.
The request payload includes encrypted Protected Audience data; and other data passed by the seller as follows:
- AuctionConfig
- seller_signals : This can include the contextual bid used to filter Protected Audience bids during scoring.
- auction_signals
- per_buyer_config map : Map of buyer domain to per buyer information like per_buyer_signals, per_buyer_timeout and other optional information.
- buyer_list : List of buyers participating in the auction. This includes the
domain address of the buyers, also known as buyer origin or InterestGroupOwner.
- Note: This may be a subset of the buyer domains in per_buyer_config map.
- seller origin
- AuctionConfig
The communication between seller's ad service and SellerFrontEnd over the untrusted network is protected by TLS / SSL. The TLS / SSL session will terminate at the load balancer in front of SellerFrontEnd service.
SellerFrontEnd service decrypts encrypted Protected Audience data. This data includes BuyerInput for the buyers whose protected audience data is available on the user's device.
SellerFrontEnd validates that the seller's origin in service configuration is the same as that passed by the seller's ad service in the SelectAd request. Otherwise, SellerFrontEnd returns an error response to the seller's ad service.
SellerFrontEnd orchestrates GetBids requests in parallel to buyers participating in the auction for bidding.
SellerFrontEnd will not send the requests to all buyers the seller partnered with, i.e. the information configured in service configuration.
The requests will be sent to only those buyers in buyer_list whose corresponding BuyerInput is available in Protected Audience data.
After bids are generated, buyers return GetBids response to SellerFrontEnd. The GetBids response includes AdWithBid objects corresponding to each bid. AdWithBid object includes ad_render_url or ad_component_render_url corresponding to the bid.
SellerFrontEnd looks up real-time scoring signals required for the auction from the seller's key/value service.
All ad render urls and ad component render urls are batched for scoring signals lookup.
The urls are encoded in SellerFrontEnd before scoring signals lookup.
SellerFrontEnd sends a ScoreAds request to the Auction service to score ads and select a winner. The request payload includes ads with bids, scoring signals, contextual signals and other information required for the auction.
Auction service returns a Protected Audience winner to SellerFrontEnd.
When ads are scored, the contextual bid may filter all Protected Audience bids. In this case, the Auction service doesn't return a Protected Audience winner to SellerFrontEnd.
SellerFrontEnd returns an encrypted AuctionResult in SelectAd response to seller's ad service.
If there is no Protected Audience winner, that would be indicated with is_chaff field set to true in AuctionResult. Even in this case, an encrypted AuctionResult that is padded with fake data will be returned to the seller's ad service.
The size of fake / padded AuctionResult would be in the order of real AuctionResult size. This would ensure that the size of the response doesn't leak any information to the seller.
The ProtectedAudienceInput in SelectAd request would include a generation_id that the client (browser / android) will generate based on UUID (Universal Unique Identifier). SellerFrontEnd will cache the generation_id distributedly. Seller's ad service will receive an error from SellerFrontEnd if repeated / replayed SelectAd requests are sent that include the same generation_id in ProtectedAudienceInput.
To prevent the seller from determining the buyers on the user's device by observing network traffic outside the TEE with the help of cloud / network logs, SellerFrontEnd service sends fake requests (chaff) to "m" buyers not participating in the auction. The set of "m" buyers are randomly selected from the list of partner buyers of the seller configured in SellerFrontEnd server configuration, except the buyers receiving real requests. The number "m" itself will be variable so that buyers on the user's device (or buyers receiving real requests) are not leaked with iterative requests. Additionally, "m" will be small (less than 5) so that buyer servers are not overwhelmed with fake traffic.
To prevent the seller from filtering buyers receiving chaff by observing response time outside the TEE with the help of cloud / network logs, the response time from BuyerFrontEnd to SellerFrontEnd would add random jitter. To prevent the seller from filtering buyers receiving chaff by observing response packet size outside the TEE with the help of cloud / network logs, the response payload will be padded.
The Auction service runs in the TEE on a supported cloud platform. The service is based on the gRPC framework and provides a gRPC endpoint ScoreAds, that receives requests from SellerFrontEnd service to initiate the auction. This service responds to requests from the SellerFrontEnd service and has limited outbound access over the public network.
Auction service allows seller owned code to execute in a custom code execution engine within the TEE. The custom code execution engine is based on V8 sandbox and has tighter security restrictions; the sandbox can not log information and doesn't have disk or network access.
Auction server instances load configured data in memory at server startup. This includes the endpoint from where adtech code modules are prefetched and address of key hosting services in key management systems; for more details refer here.
Server instances prefetch code blobs owned by sellers from a cloud storage instance at server startup and periodically. The code modules are cached in memory by the custom code execution sandbox. Refer to the Adtech code execution section for more details.
- During B&A Alpha testing, code blobs will be prefetched at startup and periodically from an arbitrary endpoint that is configured in the Auction service configuration.
SellerFrontEnd service sends ScoreAds request Auction service for scoring ads and generating reporting urls. The request payload includes bids from buyers, contextual signals, scoring signals and other required data.
For privacy, Auction service deserializes and splits scoring signals (for all ads / bids) such that ScoreAd() can only ingest scoring signals required to score the ad.
Auction service dispatches the request to a custom code execution engine with all inputs required for adtech code execution.
- Within the sandbox, adtech's ScoreAd() code is executed within a separate worker thread for scoring an ad. However, execution within worker threads can happen in parallel. Refer to the Adtech code execution section for more details.
A seller's service receives requests from the SellerFrontEnd service with lookup keys available in buyers' bids (such as ad_render_urls or ad_component_render_urls), and returns real-time scoring signals required for auction.
Note: The seller's key/value system may be BYOS key/value Service or TEE based key/value service depending on the timeline.
Following services will be operated by an DSP, also referred to as a buyer.
The front-end service of the system that runs in the TEE on a supported cloud platform. The service is based on the gRPC framework and provides a gRPC endpoint GetBids that receives requests from SellerFrontEnd service (or partner seller) to initiate bidding flow.
BuyerFrontEnd server instance loads configured data in memory at server startup. This includes the following, for more details refer here:
- Domain address of other services that BuyerFrontEnd depends on. This includes address of buyer's key/value service, address of Bidding service and address of key hosting services in Key Management System.
At server startup, the gRPC or HTTP connections to other services (Bidding service, buyer's key/value service, cryptographic key hosting services) are prewarmed.
The BuyerFrontEnd service receives GetBids request from SellerFrontEnd service of partner seller.
The BuyerFrontEnd service decrypts GetBids request using decryption keys prefetched from Key Management System.
The BuyerFrontEnd service fetches real-time bidding signals from the buyer's key/value service; this is required for generating bids. The bidding_signal_keys in different interest groups are batched for the lookup.
- The bidding signal response from key/value service is split by bidding_signal_keys in interest groups.
The BuyerFrontEnd service sends a GenerateBids request to the Bidding service. The Bidding service returns ad candidates with bid(s) for each interest group.
The BuyerFrontEnd returns all bids (AdWithBid) to SellerFrontEnd service.
B&A supports Priority Vectors, enabling adtechs to perform interest group filtering prior to bidding based on a calculated priority.
In the SelectAd request, sellers can specify the priority_signals and priority_signals_overrides fields, which are combined and sent to each buyer participating in the auction through the priority_signals field of the GetBids request.
The BuyerFrontEnd Service calculates the priority by computing the dot product of the GetBids request’s priority_signals with the priority_vector associated with each interest group. These priority_vectors are retrieved as a part of the real-time bidding signals from the Buyer’s key/value service. Any interest groups with a calculated priority of zero or higher, or those without a supplied priority_vector
, are then forwarded to the Bidding Service for bid generation.
B&A uses browserSignals.*
as deviceSignals.*
, given deviceSignals may refer to browserSignals or androidSignals.
For comprehensive details and examples of priority calculation for interest groups, please refer to the Turtledove documentation.
The Bidding service runs in the TEE on a supported cloud platform. The service is based on the gRPC framework and provides an endpoint GenerateBids, that receives requests from BuyerFrontEnd service to initiate the bidding flow. This service responds to requests from the BuyerFrontEnd service and has limited outbound access over the public network.
Bidding service allows buyer owned code to execute in a custom code execution engine within the TEE. The custom code execution engine is based on V8 sandbox and has tighter security restrictions; the sandbox can not log information and doesn't have disk or network access. Refer to the Adtech code execution Engine section for more details.
Bidding server instances load configured data in memory at server startup. This includes the endpoint from where adtech code modules are prefetched and address of key hosting services in key management systems; for more details refer here.
Server instances prefetch code blobs owned by buyers from a cloud storage instance at server startup and periodically. The code modules are cached in memory by the custom code execution sandbox. Refer to the Adtech code execution section for more details.
- During B&A Alpha testing, code blobs will be prefetched at startup and periodically from an arbitrary endpoint that is configured in the Bidding service configuration.
BuyerFrontEnd service sends GenerateBids request to Bidding service for generating bids. The request payload includes interest groups, per buyer signals, real time bidding signals and other required data.
For privacy, Bidding service deserializes and splits bidding signals such that GenerateBid() can only ingest bidding signals required to generate bid(s) per Interest Group.
Within the Bidding service, a request is dispatched to a custom code execution engine / sandbox with all inputs required for adtech code execution.
- Within the sandbox, adtech's GenerateBid() code is executed within a separate worker thread for generating bids for an Interest Group. The execution within worker threads can happen in parallel. Refer to the Adtech code execution section for more details.
A buyer's Key/Value service receives requests from the BuyerFrontEnd service and returns real-time buyer data required for bidding, corresponding to lookup keys.
Note: The buyer’s key/value system may be BYOS key/value Service or TEE based key/value service depending on timeline.
The cryptographic protocol is bidirectional Hybrid Public Key Encryption(HPKE). In this mechanism, public key and private key pairs are versioned. The private keys have sufficiently longer validity than public keys for the same version. Public keys are fetched from public key hosting service and private keys are fetched from private key hosting services in Key Management Systems. Each private key is split and fetched from two private key hosting endpoints in the Key Management Systems, where each system is operated by a Coordinator. Refer here for more details.
Client (browser, android) periodically fetches a set of public keys from the public key hosting service in Key Management Systems every 7 days and are cached client-side with a fixed TTL in order of days. New versions of public keys are prefetched before the expiration time of the previous set of keys.
Server instances running in TEE prefetch all valid private keys from the Key Management Systems at service startup and periodically in the non critical path. The private keys are cached in-memory and have a caching TTL in order of hours; therefore these keys are refreshed periodically every few hours. This ensures if any private key is compromised for some reason, that is not in-use for long. Private keys are granted to the TEE based servers only after attestation. The binary hash of the service and guest operating system running on the virtual machine is validated against a hash of the open source image through attestation; note that the attestation mechanism is cloud platform specific. The server instances also prefetch a set of public keys every 7 days and cache in-memory for days. Public keys are required for encryption of outgoing requests to other TEE based servers.
Client to server communication is protected by TLS over the untrusted public network and the ProtectedAudienceInput is encrypted by Oblivious HTTP which is a wrapper over bidirectional Hybrid Public Key Encryption(HPKE). The ProtectedAudienceInput payload is separately encrypted because the TLS session terminates at the load balancer of front end services in B&A. The client encrypts the ProtectedAudienceInput payload with a public key and the key version is prefixed in the ciphertext with Oblivious HTTP.
Server to server communication over a public unsecured network is protected by TLS and request-response payload encryption is based on bidirectional Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE). Depending on the network topology of services that would communicate over a private network, request-response payload encryption may be sufficient protection. For TEE to TEE encryption, the client server would encrypt the request payload with a public key and send the key version separately along with the request ciphertext.
- Request payload will be encrypted using a public key.
- The key version will be prefixed in the request ciphertext with Oblivious HTTP.
- The key version will be sent separately along with the ciphertext with bidirectional HPKE.
- In a TEE based server, client requests will be decrypted using split private keys.
- The private keys must be of the same version as the public key used for encryption.
- Response will be encrypted using bidirectional HPKE, using key material from HPKE context
of the request.
- The HPKE context is used to export a secret key material.
The adtech code execution engine is called Roma that provides a sandbox environment for untrusted, closed source, self contained code. Roma provides two backend engines for execution -
- V8, Google's open source high-performance JavaScript & WebAssembly engine written in C++.
- Bring-Your-Own-Binary, for executing standalone binaries compiled from languages such as C/C++ and Go. ROMA BYOB uses a single instance of a double-sandboxed Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) called gVisor. This mode is currently only supported for the Bidding service right now.
Bidding service and Auction service that executes adtech code, have a dependency on Roma. The frontend services of B&A do not have a dependency on Roma. The backend mode for bidding server can be specified as a start up configuration.
Roma is based on a multiprocessing model. When the service (Bidding / Auction) starts up, a Roma dispatcher process is initialized that forks child processes; each child process forks processes to spawn the workers. The workers are prewarmed at server startup and remain alive to process workloads.
For the V8 backend, there is IPC (inter process communication) between the gRPC server handler and dispatcher to dispatch requests for code execution in workers. There is also an IPC channel between dispatcher and workers. The BYOB execution mechanism is explained here.
For privacy, it is important to ensure that there is isolation of workers. This means that workers will not share any memory with each other.
For reliability of the system, it is important to ensure the following:
- In case a request causes a crash, that would be failed gracefully without disrupting Bidding / Auction service.
- In case a worker crashes, resources will be freed up and the service will not be
- In a very rare event, if the dispatcher process crashes, the service will be restarted.
Following is the flow for spawning Roma workers:
- When the dispatcher process starts, that allocates all shared memory segments.
- The dispatcher forks an intermediate child process that deallocates all shared memory segments, except the memory segment for the target Roma worker.
- The intermediate child process forks a target Roma worker.
- The target Roma worker re-parent to dispatcher and the intermediate child process exits.
- If a worker crashes or the process exits, the dispatcher is notified to clean up resources. New worker is re-forked.
There is a shared memory block between the dispatcher and each worker. This would help avoid data copies and input / output delays and that is important for a low latency system. Inside the shared memory block, each worker has a message queue for reading requests and writing responses. Each queue element contains both request and response. For incoming requests, the dispatcher picks a worker queue that has the least number of pending requests to put the new item (request) to the back of the queue. However, the dispatcher follows a round robin placement policy when worker queues have the same number of pending requests. The processed requests are retrieved from the front of the queue. Each worker picks pending items from front to the back of the queue, processes them and marks complete.
The number of workers is configurable, but by default is set to the number of vCPU (virtual Central Processing Unit) of the virtual machine where the Bidding / Auction gRPC application is hosted. The per worker memory limit is also configurable. Each worker's resource usage is controlled using Linux kernel control groups.
- Adtech code executing in Roma or the sandbox code, will not have outbound network access from the sandbox.
- Bidding / Auction services that depend on Roma, will have limited outbound access.
- These services can fetch cryptographic keys from Key Management Systems that are part of the trust circle.
- These services can respond to TEE based frontend services in B&A.
- These services can fetch code blobs from cloud storage buckets.
- During B&A Alpha testing, these services can fetch code from an adtech provided endpoint configured in Bidding / Auction service configuration.
- Input / output (logging, disk or file access) will be disabled within the Roma sandbox.
- Memory core dump will be disabled in Roma to prevent sensitive data leak.
- Roma will protect the confidentiality of the adtech code and signals during the server side execution in a trusted environment.
- Any potential vulnerability (like v8 vulnerability) may cause the Adtech code to escape the isolated worker. To mitigate this, the worker is further restricted with Linux kernel partition, resource isolation and security mechanisms (i.e. Linux namespaces, control groups and secure computing mode).
Following are the properties of code executed in Roma.
- Code is adtech owned, not open-source.
- Code is not encrypted.
- The code is self contained and will be executed within an isolated worker thread.
- The output of the code can only be part of the encrypted response sent to frontend services in B&A.
- The code blob size can vary per adtech.
- For V8 backend - The code can be in Javascript or WASM instantiated with Javascript.
- Most languages like Java, C++, C# can be compiled to WASM bytecode.
- For BYOB backend - The code can be a standalone binary built from C/C++ and Go.
The code modules are fetched by the Bidding / Auction service in the non-request path, then dispatched to Roma along with the code version (in case of multiple code versions). The code is cached in Roma. In the request path, the code is executed in a Roma worker in isolation. The code is executed in parallel in different Roma workers. There is no state saved between two executions in the same worker. There is no shared memory resource between executions in different workers.
Every worker has its own copy of code. However, the number of copies of code at any point is bound by the number of Roma workers in Bidding / Auction service.
Following modes of code execution are supported:
Javascript can be executed in a Roma worker with the V8 backend. The Javscript code will be prefetched by Bidding / Auction service at server startup and periodically in the non critical path.
Javascript code is preloaded, cached, interpreted and a snapshot is created. A new context is created from the snapshot before execution in a Roma worker.
WASM bytecode can be executed in a Roma worker along with Javascript with the V8 backend. The Javscript and WASM binary will be prefetched by Bidding / Auction service at server startup and periodically in the non critical path. The WASM binary must be delivered with an application/wasm MIME type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
When Javascript and WASM are provided for an execution, it is recommended that the adtechs inline WASM in the Javascript code. However, if the WASM code is not inlined, Bidding service would take care of that with a Javascript wrapper that inlines the WASM.
Javascript code is preloaded, cached, interpreted and a snapshot is created. The WASM is not included in the Javascript snapshot.
The WASM module will be instantiated synchronously using WebAssembly.Instance. A WebAssembly.Instance object is a stateful, executable instance of a WASM module that contains all the Exported WebAssembly functions that allow invoking WebAssembly code from JavaScript.
In this case, no Javascript is required.
WASM bytecode can be executed in a Roma worker with the V8 backend. The WASM binary will be prefetched by Bidding / Auction service at server startup and periodically in the non critical path. The WASM binary must be delivered with an application/wasm MIME type.
The WASM module is preloaded and cached in Roma in the non request path. WASM is parsed for every execution within a Roma worker.
A standalone binary compiled as per specifications from languages such as C/C++ and Go can be executed in a Roma worker with the BYOB backend. The binary will be prefetched by Bidding / Auction service at server startup and periodically in the non critical path. The binary must be developed as per the specifications for receiving input and providing output (Example).
GenerateBid() will be executed per interest group in parallel and in isolation. For every GenerateBids request, a dispatch request is sent to Roma that batches all the inputs. Roma will execute pre-initialized GenerateBid() per interest group in separate worker processes in parallel.
ReportWin() will be executed in a Roma worker to generate reporting url for the buyer.
ScoreAd() will be executed per ad (bid) in parallel and in isolation. For every ScoreAds request, a dispatch request is sent to Roma that batches all the inputs. Roma will execute pre-initialized ScoreAd() per ad (bid) in separate worker processes in parallel.
ReportResult() will be executed in a Roma worker in the Auction service to generate a reporting url for the seller.
Adtech will need to provide code modules for bidding, scoring and reporting url generation. The Bidding / Auction services will prefetch code modules in the non-request path periodically from AWS S3 and GCP GCS buckets, configured by adtechs. The code modules will be loaded in Roma and cached.
The following is the layout for the Auction service for scoring ads, an identical layout will exist for the Bidding service.
The following is an overview of the lifecycle of a bucket update. The Bidding or Auction service queries the bucket for its objects (code modules) and then updates Roma with code module additions and code module deletions.
For Bidding and Auction services alpha testing, the code modules can be prefetched from arbitrary endpoints provided by the adtechs. The url endpoints must be configured in Bidding / Auction server configuration. If an adtech requires both Javascript and WASM, they must provide two different url endpoints that will be set in Bidding / Auction service configuration. The Bidding / Auction services would prefetch adtech code modules at server startup and periodically every few hours.
Beyond alpha testing, a publisher-subscriber based messaging system will be supported so that any time the adtech updates the bucket, the service will receive a notification and load the new code modules.
The following portrays the cloud architecture of a pub/sub system in AWS (a similar system will be supported for GCP).
In AWS, an EC2 instance has its own notification queue (SQS) and changes to the S3 bucket are what trigger the notification system (SNS). The adtech will add or remove a code module in the storage bucket, and Bidding / Auction services will eventually receive a notification to check the bucket; they will subsequently load any updates so that the running Roma instances match the state of the modules in the bucket.
- Adtechs can store multiple versions of code modules in Cloud Storage.
- Adtechs can pass the code version used by code modules in the SelectAd request.
- Buyers can return the code version used by code module for the request
- Bidding / Auction service fetches code objects from the Cloud Storage instance (bucket) at service startup and periodically fetches the code objects every n hours.
- Roma dispatcher API would expose a Load() to accept a code object along with code_version_id.
- In non critical path:
- Every n hrs, the service compares the list of current object names (code versions) in the bucket to what it has loaded into Roma.
- Based on the difference, the service adds new code objects to Roma and evicts non-existent objects from Roma.
- In their request, the adtech may specify the code version (object name such as v1, v2 and so on). Roma will be able to service parallel requests specifying different code versions.
- In the request path, grpc service would dispatch the workload with inputs required for execution of cached code.
- For Bidding / Auction services crashes / loses state, the latest code can be fetched when the service restarts.
Event level win reporting urls will be generated on the server side and sent to the client (browser / android), so that the client can ping the reporting endpoints of the Adtech.
More details about reporting will be published in a different explainer.
An explainer will be published to cover details on K-Anonymity Integration.
The concurrency model is based on asynchronous thread pool and callbacks. The thread pool library is based on EventEngine. The Input / Output (IO) processing model is asynchronous IO.
- Seller and Buyer may operate services in different cloud platforms.
- Services within the Seller system (i.e. SellerFrontEnd, Auction) will be co-located and share a VPC network. The communication between SellerFrontEnd service and Auction service is over a private network.
- Services within the Seller system (i.e. BuyerFrontEnd, Bidding) will be co-located and share a VPC network. The communication between BuyerFrontEnd service and Bidding service is over a private network.
Bidding and Auction services will support multi regional replication. An adtech deploying the server instances to a supported cloud platform, would decide the availability of these services.