##2017-07-02 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.4.0 ###Summary Feature: Add more parameters to R10K profile (PR #141) Feature: Add parameter to determine whether to manage puppetdb database (PR #144) Feature: Add support for show_diff parameter (PR #145) Feature: Add support for puppet 4.10.1 (PR #150) Feature: Change to puppet/r10k module (PR #131) Add license file (PR #155)
####Bugfixes Fix #142 Move server setting to main (PR #143) Notify agent service when package is upgraded (PR #149)
##2016-10-10 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.3.0 ###Summary Numerous bugfixes. Feature: Configure agents using SRV records @aaron-miller Feature: Added parameter manage_dbserver to profiles/master @chrisowensboston
####Bugfixes Fix puppet group in puppet 4 @seanscottking Update Puppetlabs apt keys @rdvh Fix puppetserver should connect to non SSL puppetdb via http not https @divansantana Update metadata.json to allow use of zack-r10k version 3.2.0 @rpkish Define relationship between sysconfig and service in agent @toepi Deploy puppetdb ssl certs when ssl is enabled @divansantana Fix r10k manage_ruby_dependency error @divansantana Fix could not find init script in some cases @divansantana Support for strict_variables mode @tequeter define relationship between vhost an package puppetmaster-passenger @toepi distinguish between Debian and Ubuntu for puppetmaster-passenger setup @toepi Add support for splay and splaylimit parameters in puppet.conf @paulseward Fix syntax error on readme @jordigg in manifests/repo.pp added include ::puppet, to fix unknown variable puppet::manage_repos @chrisowensboston in manifests/init.pp added "+ 0" after calls to fqdn_rand, to force conversion to integer. @chrisowensboston in spec/classes/puppet_agent_spec.rb, Changed tests for interpolated minute values to accommodate different versions of fqdn_rand using different entropy sources. Changed host name from "testy" to "testy2" because "testy" happened to give a 0 using fqdn_rand(14) In .fixtures.yml, changed puppetlabs/concat version requirement from '1.2.0' to '>= 1.2.2 < 2.0.0', to fix "uknown variable ::is_pe" bug @chrisowensboston in Gemfile, forced json_pure to be < 2.0.1 when ruby < 2.0 @chrisowensboston in .travis.yml, added a line for rvm 2.2.0, puppet gem 4.7.0, facter gem 2.4.6, hiera gem 3.2.1 @chrisowensboston
##2016-02-11 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.2.1 ###Summary
####Bugfixes Fix agent cron so it is quiet on sucess. @johnny-die-tulpe Fix master profile so it works when puppetdb is on remote node. @divansantana
##2016-01-29 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.2.0 ###Summary
Upgrade puppetdb and postgresql modules to latest versions to get support for PuppetDB 3.x Add support for puppetlabs-apt 2.1.0+ Move puppetmaster config setup from puppetdb profile into master profile. Make hiera-eyaml package optional. @tequeter New define puppet::setting for adding any setting to puppet.conf Add support for hiera merge_behaviour. @jaxim
####NOTE This module is compatible with the 1.8 series of apt and 2.1.0 and above 2.0.0 does not work due to the missing compatibility layer addded in 2.1.0. This is due to the postgresql module still using apt 1.8.
####Bugfixes Added support for new versions of above mentioned modules. manage_virtualenv variable wasn't being used in puppetboard profile. @gwarf preferred_serialization_format wasn't being reverted if it wasn't set to msgpack. Thanks to @topei for spotting this. Move management of facter.d directory out of puppet::facts so it gets setup if the class is not used. Thanks to @topei for spotting this. Fix hiera-eyaml install on Puppet 4. Thanks @jaxim Fix for r10k purgedirs error as that parameter is now deprecated in upstream module. Thanks @divansantana Fixed yum gpg key for yum repos. @djjudas21 Fixed repo management to only use one method to manage the repository. Thanks @djjudas21 Fixed agent start/restart on Ubuntu. @TravellingGuy
##2015-07-14 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.1.2 ###Summary
Port variable was not being used for puppetboard profile Add variable to set hostname for puppetdb puppetboard profile
##2015-07-13 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.1.1 ###Summary
Adding variables to set ports for puppetdb in puppetdb and puppetboard profiles
##2015-07-08 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.1.0 ###Summary
This version adds basic autosigning functionaliy which ignores the current autosign parameter.
Autosigning is now managed with the autosign_method, autosign_file and autosign_domains variables.
Given that autosigning didn't enabled autosign in a production environment it won't break any of your current production environments with default setings.
Add option for setting a ca_server. Add option to set preferred_serialization_format for testing msgpack
##2015-06-10 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.0.2 ###Summary Spec test cleanup. Fixing deployment condition for Travis. Added all vars to r10k profile Added r10k_update_env var to r10k profile for setting environment to update Reducting the tested os versions as most tests are duplicated 10 times which is excessive and time consuming
####Bugfixes hiera_eyaml vars were missing from puppet::master::profile
##2015-06-09 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.0.1 ###Summary Bugfix release
####Bugfixes Add puppet_server_type ro puppetdb profile so we can specify the type of puppet server we run
##2015-06-09 - Pete Brown [email protected] 2.0.0 ###Summary
This version introduces some backwards incompatible changes with 1.8.x.
I have dropped Ruby 1.8 from spec tests due to inconsistent results. The module should still work on older platforms but I can't guarantee it will.
####Backwards-incompatible changes
- This paramater has been removed usebasemodulepath
- This paramater has been removed usebasemodulepath
- This class has been removed in favour of the
- This class has been removed in favour of the
- this paramater has been deprecated in favour of the more aptly namedenable_devel_repo
paramater #20
This paramater removed useenable_devel_repo
This paramater has been renamedreports
- This class no longer configures modules or puppetdb please use r10k and puppetdb profiles for those.
This paramater removedmodule_path
This paramater has been removed usebasemodulepath
This paramater has been removed usebasemodulepath
This paramater removedmodules
This paramater removedextra_env_repos
This paramater removedhiera_repo
This paramater removedpuppet_env_repo
This paramater removedr10k_env_basedir
This paramater removedr10k_minutes
This paramater removedr10k_purgedirs
This paramater removedr10k_update
This paramater removedpuppetdb
This paramater removedpuppetdb_version
This paramater removednode_purge_ttl
This paramater removednode_ttl
This paramater removedpuppetdb_listen_address
This paramater removedpuppetdb_server
This paramater removedpuppetdb_ssl_listen_address
This paramater removedreport_ttl
This paramater removedreports
This paramater removedpuppetdb_use_ssl
This paramater removed
####Features Add initial support for Debian 6 and 7. Add support for Puppet 4.x and new collections. #42 #41 Add support for the new puppetserver on puppet 3.x and 4.x. #27 Add support for RedHat and CentOS under Puppet 4.x. #38 Add support for using cfacter. Add support for setting environment_timeout. #39 Add support for managing hiera-eyaml keys. #9 Add support for setting logdest for agents. Add support for setting START variable in sysconfigdir/puppet. #32 Add variables to configure the puppet reports clean cron. #15 Add puppetboard profile. #40 Added initial puppet-strings docs for main classes and profiles. Add manage_hiera_config variable to allow people manage hiera config themselves. Add validation tests for manifests, ruby and templates. Fixed a few skipped rspec tests.
####Bugfixes Use reports variable to set reports in puppet conf
####Known bugs
- puppet::master::passenger doesn't work properly under RedHat or CentOS #38
##2015-02-18 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.8.2 ###Summary Bugfix release
####Bugfixes Fix descriptions in yum repos
####Known bugs
- RedHat support is only available for an agent at this stage
##2015-02-18 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.8.1 ###Summary Bugfix release
####Bugfixes fix links in metadata.json @rendhalver Code cleanup
##2015-02-18 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.8.0 ###Summary Bugfix and new feature release Adding ability to run agent via cron. @wolfspyre Initial support for running the agent on osfamily == RedHat @rendhalver
####Bugfixes Spec tests are actually running now! (Well most of them anyhow) @rendhalver "Fix" POODLE attack by upgrading to new release of puppetlabs-apache @rendhalver Documentation fixes and updates. @wolfspyre
2014-09-18 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.7.6
Bugfix release
- remove symlink in fixtures. @rendhalver
- set PassengerRoot properly on Ubuntu trusty. @rendhalver
###Summary Added spec tests courtesy of @wolfspyre Variable validitation and type checking courtesy of @wolfspyre Documentation improvements @wolfspyre Added operatingsystem_support and requirements to metadata.json @rendhalver
- none this time
2014-07-21 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.7.3
- [fix] fixed dependency for inifile to use the right version
2014-07-08 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.7.2
- Added option for setting runinterval on agent (default 30m)
- [fix] add missing -p flag to r10k cron
2014-07-08 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.7.1
- [fix] environment to r10k cron
- [fix] fixed dependencies
- Added option to disable purging r10k directories
2014-07-07 - Pete Brown [email protected] 1.7.0
- [fix] notify apache::service when hiera.yaml changes
- [fix] fix name of hiera_backends in master profile
- Adding support for enabling Structured Facts support from facter 2.1.0
- Support for adding structured facts via facter.d forthcomming.
- Renamed a few variables to make their purpose more obvious.
2014-06-18 - Pete Brown [email protected] - 1.6.8
- switch extra_env_repos to optional
- new hash for hiera_backends
2014-06-18 - Pete Brown [email protected] - 1.6.7
- First Public Release