ec2x is cli tool that connect to Amazon EC2 instance easily.
You can download binary from GitHub Release or build from source. You also need to install session-manager-plugin
command. If you need more information, please refer to official document.
Go to GitHub Release
$ go build -o ec2x ./cmd/main.go
$ mv ec2x /usr/local/bin/ec2x
$ ec2x --help
ec2x - ec2x is connect to EC2 instance using SSM Session Manager
ec2x [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
connect Connect to EC2 instance with Session Manager
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
You can select EC2 instance with fuzzy finder. (using ktr0731/go-fuzzyfinder)
$ AWS_PROFILE=<your profile name>
$ ec2x connect
i-0e70afcef4b54732d - crawler-test ( │ Name : eks-worker-node
i-05934f8ec8993dc2c - elasticsearch-prod-01 ( │ Architecture : x86_64
i-05efb7f9afcbfbca3 - elasticsearch-prod-02 ( │ InstanceType : t3.micro
i-0d278f748eebdd1f4 - elasticsearch-prod-03 ( │ InstanceID : i-0bb0bade4d8cca310
i-05838454dd0d2f0f4 - elasticsearch-prod-04 ( │ InstanceProfile : eks-node
i-05223dec50c07cb78 - eks-worker-heavy-01 ( │ KeyName : admin-key
i-056ebbb9a1f78da01 - sandbox-instance ( │ PrivateIP :
i-035406af724f45017 - es-suggest-v7-prod ( │ State : running
i-05a762a9bfb78ebd7 - prod-webapp-01 ( │
i-09de276a2e0eaa975 - builder ( │
i-0c6d6c1dc644c2ef3 - elasticsearch-node-02 ( │
i-0a3d2d7bf7aae6fde - elasticsearch-node-01 ( │
i-0296c5a82bca93012 - sandbox-builder ( │
i-09449ebceb74eaef0 - sandbox-instance ( │
> i-0bb0bade4d8cca310 - eks-worker-node ( │
69/69 │