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The Admin API allows your server to manage users via a GraphQL endpoint.

Admin API

The Admin API allows your server to manage users via a GraphQL endpoint. You can list users, search users, view user details, and many more. In fact, the user management part of the portal is built with the Admin API.

The Admin API GraphQL endpoint

The Admin API GraphQL endpoint is at /_api/admin/graphql. For example, if your app is myapp , then the endpoint is .

Authentication of the API endpoint

Accessing the Admin API GraphQL endpoint requires your server to generate a valid JWT and include it as Authorization HTTP header.

See authentication-and-security.mdto learn how to access the Admin API securely.

API Explorer

If you want to explore what the Admin API can do, you can visit the GraphiQL tool. The GraphQL schema can also be found there.

  • Go to Settings -> Admin API
  • Click on the GraphiQL tool link
  • Toggle the schema documentation by pressing the Docs button in the top left corner.

Explor the Admin API with GraphiQL tool from the Admin Portal

{% hint style="danger" %} The GraphiQL tool is NOT a sandbox environment and all changes will be made on real, live, production data. Use with care! {% endhint %}

API Schema

{% content-ref url="" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

API Examples

{% content-ref url="" %} {% endcontent-ref %}